Geico is good. When I needed accident repair to the undercarraige and lots of stuff under it, they covered it without a problem. I had a $500 deductible but changed it to the $250 one just in case for later.
Ever had the Windshield replaced on your car?....
by restrangled 29 Replies latest jw friends
Hi Snakes,
Some states dont allow chip repair, insist the insurers buy a new windshield (I think KY is that way).
In Florida they have to replace the windshield with no deductible and a lifetime guarantee. Chips can be repaired but if they crack....the windshield is replaced.
My sunroof leaks onto the passenger side. I would have thrown a tarp on mine for Fay but I had to fly out of town and leave it at the airport. I left a 5 gallon bucket on the passenger side floor. I would've tarped it at home but I had to go.
White Dove,
I am considering changing my deductible to $250.00.
I have been a customer with Geico for 8 years and they have always been great. What really sold me on them was my experience as a legal secretary in the personal injury field. They were top notch to deal with. So many of the big names wheel and deal against their own customers in lawsuits, hospitals, attorneys, etc.
There was one fellow who carried UM with Allstate...(underinsured/uninsured motorist coverage) and was hurt very badly in an accident. The fellow who hit him had very little coverage and it quickly ran out. He asked Allstate under His UM policy to cover the difference. They refused, He had to take them to court, (I served on the jury). They spent thousands filming him in secret, hiring expert witnesses, doctors etc., to testify against their own policy holder. In the end he was awarded $350,000.00 to cover his spinal injuries.
I was involved with close to 1000 cases in 2 years and never once had a problem with Geico. They were considered one of the best. The personal injury attorney I worked for was also insured with Geico.
BTS, do you have comprehensive coverage? If you do, check for coverage. Please make sure you get that leak stopped, ....dried and disenfected.
The carpets don't grow mold, but the padding underneath does. (black mold) We have been through this, my husband developed horrible lung problems in his early 30's because of a leaky windshield..
Some people question mold problems, mold is deadly.
We didn't know any better. Too busy with life and family and business. He was a (non smoker, tall, healthy, athletic man with no background of asthma)..... He drove a lot and was exposed in the small area for at least 8 hours every day I would say for 2 years...... He still fights with the initial infection he developed.
Thats why I am adamant about this leak that just developed in our car.
Take care.
White Dove
Leaky cars grow mushrooms, too
This is much less expensive that a new windshield
Yes Gregor, thats how my husband should of driven in his car after the windshield replacement and leak 15 years ago!
Now.....We know better, hence this topic. I'm sure most have this figured out.
Live and learn.
wha happened?
Mine went through a tough test a few weeks after replacement. I had to drive through the desert to Vegas and I hit alot of thunderstorms. Everything is fine
Yeaaaa! Wha happened!
Keep watching. I don't think any of these companies can reproduce the factory seal.