I'm probably viewed as a cross between The Great Whore of Babylon, Jezebel and the Doubting Thomas.Mary, I'll take these two-thirds of you, okay? Warlock
What Is Your Present Status In The Organization?
by minimus 132 Replies latest jw friends
Robdar, no pregnancy then.
You're silly. LOL
i wrote 12 letters to the elders asking to be reinstated, only after wrting the CO 3 letters, they met with me and said "try again". tried again....and again. well, 3 years later reinstated, year 2000.
Lease, that just makes me sooooo angry.,,,,, Good ol' boys club....
I walked out of the middle of a WT study at the KHall about three years ago. Am considered inactive and "dangerous" because of "causing divisions."
Ooooooo.....after more than thirty years of being the quiet and mild elder's wife, now to be "dangerous" is kinda exciting. Strange, many dubs live in the area, but I hardly ever see any of them.
wow quandry, that sounds aweful, having to be a quiet elder's wife. yes, the good ol' boys club. geez, you think we were back in the stone age. there is no reasoning with these men.
Reefton Jack
Well and truly "sent to Coventry", as the saying goes.
Jack -
All as of February 1997, my "status" has been:
Officially: The "Disobedient" One (at least, that's the reason they gave when I refused to meet for a 15th time... 'cause I had shared all I had to share at that time...)
Quasi-Officially (i.e., supposedly not in writing, but I wouldn't stake my life on it): The "Quintessential Apostate"
Unofficially: The "She's-Really-Scarin'-The-Crap-Outta-Us-'Cause-We-Really-Don't-Know-What-The-H*ll-But-Please-Please-Dear-'Jehovah'-Don't-Let-Her-Say-Anything-Tonight" One
SA, a slave of Christ
I'm probably viewed as a cross between The Great Whore of Babylon, Jezebel and the Doubting Thomas.
Warlock said: Mary, I'll take these two-thirds of you, okay?
You mean you're not interested in the Doubting Thomas side of me? -
After about 12 years of trying to change the stance of the Society concerning molestation of my wife by her elder father I gathered a collective of memories of wrong things that I had also seen go on in the Society ,came on this site and Silent Lambs ,gathered info on such things as the UN scandal and also going thru a Judicial committee against an elder who seriously wrong me in front of 3 JW's who I called as witnesses against him ,and then seeing the local elders throw it out and even the CO giving the accused permission not to attend the JC ,and then having Sydney Bethel toss the case and us away.......phew....I tried to present all this finally to my local elders who gutlessly backed away from us ,I just stopped going and thankfully my wife soon stopped attending too and DA'd ,My status is unknown but the brothers walk past our home now after we exposed the society to some sisters who called by. My wife does'nt believe in god now ,after all when you're a small child being raped for years by your elder father ,and you call out "Jehovah please help me !" ...and nothing happens...what do you do after serving for a further twenty years as an adult and then the Society kicks you in the guts. I REALLY HOPE SOME BETHELITES OR ANYBODY STILL IN READS THIS!!!!!
Witness 007
I'm classed as a spiritually dead Witness hater who's mum is anionted since she want's to escape a world where here children are apostates.
Stopped cold in December 2005, (no real "fade", per se), after a moment of clarity in July of the same year. D/A'd in 2007, just to make it clear where I stood.