Faded out
What Is Your Present Status In The Organization?
by minimus 132 Replies latest jw friends
Remember when Enron collapsed a few years ago? At the time I read an article about a guy who had worked for the company for many years and had recently retired. His retirement fund was all in Enron stock which had since plunged in value and was now worthless.
I "worked" for the WTS for nearly 30 years and for most of that time believed I was "storing up treasures in heaven." I came to realize those treasures are non-existent and that the company had been lying about its assets for years. So I just quit going to work one day.
No one from my old job ever comes by to see how I'm doing. They know that I've figured it out but they themselves are not quite ready to confront reality. It's more comfortable for them to think I retired somewhere and doing fine. So I let them think that.
That's my "status."
Doya feel like a dumbass?
"I am no doubt not the only one who [wrote on the forum] in order to have no face. Do not ask who I am and do not ask me to remain the same: leave it to [the elders] and [congregation gossips] to see that our papers are in order. At least spare us their morality when we write." - Michel Foucault (slight paraphrase)
I don't know... I think I'm a fader but they might have df'ed me without telling me...
Are you disfellowshipped? Disassociated? A fader? Still going?
None of the above. Only studied as a child and teen when living at home. Never joined up as I saw what Dreck it was... and obviously still is! So I guess they consider me 'a worldly one' or 'other sheep' (or worse)? (whatever). I have family that are in, particularly my father, whom I am worried about and wish to be ready to help him should they decide to unload him.
I'm glad this thread's back up for the new ones now here!
Fired 14 years ago...found a better job!
only me
I was a fader but now I don't know. Proboably still faded but the elders know we had some holidays so they could have DFd me by now. I really don't care at this point, been treated as DF for over a year now. People are much nicer on this side of the Truth.