See....this is NOT an apostate site. It's a Witness site, especially for those inactive.
What Is Your Present Status In The Organization?
by minimus 132 Replies latest jw friends
never baptised born-in who got out of dodge
Dead and buried by the flock..eulogy states 'living with Satan' .
125% shunned.
Will never return to that world filled with such hypocrisy and hatred, prejudice and pathos..not even for my family. The best thing to happen to me was getting disfellowshipped because it forced acceptance, change and a far better understanding of what words like 'love, friends and family' really mean to me. It made me look in the mirror and realize that my value was not in being a JW but in being me and the best I could be. Had I faded and not faced the absolute shunning, disgust, revulsion and loathing by all of those family, friends, associates and the organization as a whole - I could not have severed ties to the cult completely. One foot in and one foot out keeps you in limbo and for me, fading would lead people to believe that I am still 'one of them' and in essence supporting all the hypocrisy, hatred and destruction they believe in. The possibility of contributing to the demise of another person by association of the cult is not something I could live with now. As a JW I was sleep walking through the days waiting for Armeggedon to come - now I am alive and loving life! Loving people and a world that I was taught for over 50 years to hate! How great is that?! sam
A happy fader.
A "hidden heretic."
DA'd May 07, This vomit returning dog of a Jezebel has never been happier.
strawberry cake
xxx SC -
Curently: Disinformation Ofiicer 2nd class.
Checked out and left...........burnt out and faided regrets they don't work......inactive 8 years
I like the term 'newbie fader' so I'll borrow that. I haven't been to any meetings in 2 to 3 months, but immediately prior my attendance was sporadic due to some health issues, so I don't think anyone misses/missed me.
Sammie - l love the strong conviction in your post and your powerful stance against the WT, one day I hope to grow up and be just like you!