What Is Your Present Status In The Organization?
by minimus 132 Replies latest jw friends
Faded into relative obscurity.
Sadly, I still go to just about every meeting. In the mind, I checked out of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society some time ago. I still go because my wife is a hardcore Witness warrior and we have children together so I don't want to see that busted all to pieces. I don't participate very much if at all, I never wear a jacket to the meetings (gasp!), and I usually average about ninety minutes per month in the field service, though I usually lie and say that I got five or six hours just to keep from being hassled. As soon as the Amen is said on the final prayer, I am out of my seat and in the car waiting for the wife and kids. She hates this and she says it sets a horrible example for the children. Imagine if she knew what I was really thinking.
DITTO - except no kids and 0 minutes in service..........
Octarine Prince
That is a common tactic among political types. They demonized you by making you appear more of a threat than you probably were. It underscored your "evil" to those present, and the official police records show that 8 officers were dispatched to deal with a very dangerous dissenter/apostate. -
Open mind
Active publisher in good standing.
Elder for many years.
Might still be an elder. Might not.
Haven't placed any WT printed material in over a year. With a couple of exceptions.
I still have a couple RVs that I actually don't mind going to alone or with the kids. We NEVER discuss JWism. We just discuss everthing ELSE under the sun. Fellow JWs have tried arm-twisting them in the distant past, & they won't have any part of it. When I leave, these RV guys seem to know the drill. If a JW is with me, I will find the most boring-looking hard-to-place magazine in my ever-growing collection, and just give it to them and they take it with no comment. I'm sure it hits the recycle bin before the my car starts.
Inactive and loving it
Axed 1980
Dissacociated in absence by a lying dishonest body of elders (Ted Sallows and Jonney Morley step forward please!)
sweet pea
Disfellowshipped for daring to say the "Emperor Isn't Wearing Any Clothes!!!" one year ago.
when my meeting attendance slowed and ultimately stopped
i had no idea i was going to walk away completelyaint nothing like fresh air to make one realize
one was in a stagnant morass