What Is Your Present Status In The Organization?
by minimus 132 Replies latest jw friends
Fader....inactive 10 yrs
sorry dbl post -
Df'd 12/6/06
I have been inactive since 2005. My last boasting session was the REJECT Jesus Party of 2005--for the REJECT Jesus Party of 2006, I bought a Ouija board instead of going. My last day out in field circus was June 2005, and so far they didn't bust me for the Christmas lights or being on this site.
However, something tells me that it is because they have their sights on exploiting my ongoing celibacy to further the work, even if it means physically recapturing me. And that means the apostate web sites, Christmas decorations, "secret" society membership, and Ouija board will all be unavailable to me.
inactive fader. Haven't been to a meeting since april this year. Haven't talked to hardly a soul from the KH since. Though we had a surprise elder visit at the beginning of this month, so we may be DA'ed or DF'ed soon enough.
Samuel Thorsen
How do you hanlde 90 min of field circus??
I imagine wearing a jacket at meetings would be a lot easyer that producing 90 minutes of real door knocking??
DAed since 1993.... so that makes me pond scum to them....
inactive fader.
inactive fader. Haven't been to a meeting since april this year. Haven't talked to hardly a soul from the KH since. Though we had a surprise elder visit at the beginning of this month, so we may be DA'ed or DF'ed soon enough.
Actually that depends on what they think you said them, or said to others or if 2 jws have observed you in da'ing or df'ing activity. I have talked to jws or elders but have avoided being df'd or da'd. Blondie
Samuel Thorsen
Inactive fader here.
Went to district assembly this summer tho. Very very boring. Can't belive it.