Mankind's Great Diaspora

by hamilcarr 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • hamilcarr

    The incredible journey taken by our genes

    Project maps humanity's voyage out of Africa to new continents and domination of the world

    Sixty thousand years ago, a small group of African men and women took to the Red Sea in tiny boats and crossed the Mandab Strait to Asia. Their journey - of less than 20 miles - marked the moment Homo sapiens left its home continent.

    The motive for our ancestors' African exodus is not known, though scientists suspect food shortages, triggered by climate change, were involved. However, its impact cannot be overestimated. Two thousand generations later, descendants of these African emigres have settled our entire planet, wiped out all other hominids including the Neanderthals and have reached a population of 6.5 billion.

    Now scientists are completing a massive study of DNA samples from a quarter of a million volunteers in different continents in order to create the most precise map yet of mankind's great diaspora. Last week, in Tallinn, Estonia, they outlined their most recent results. 'As the ultimate ancestor begat son, who begat son and so on, they picked up mutations in their DNA that we can now pinpoint by gene analysis,' said project leader Dr Spencer Wells. 'When we look at these markers' distributions we can see how our ancestors moved about.'

    Scientists have known for several years that modern humans emerged from sub-Saharan Africa within the past 100,000 years. However, the £25m Genographic project - backed by National Geographic, IBM and the Waitt Family Foundation - has recently transformed that knowledge by painting in a mass of highly detailed information about our African exodus.

    After emerging into the Arabian peninsula, some of our ancestors took sea routes along the south Asian coast to reach Australia 50,000 years ago. Only later, about 40,000 years ago, did we enter Europe - its cold and its Neanderthals making it far less hospitable - while one group of Asians headed farther east over the land bridge that then connected their continent to America.

    'We can also see that just before humans left Africa, about 70,000 years ago, mankind was brought to the brink of extinction when Mount Toba, in Sumatra, erupted,' said Wells. 'It was the most powerful volcanic eruption for two million years and dropped thick ash and killed vegetation across the globe. Our research now shows Homo sapiens numbers dropped alarmingly at this time and we only just hung on as a species.'

    Nevertheless, humanity bounced back, evolving new creative and intellectual gifts under the extreme selective pressures it then had to endure. Since then, waves of men and women have moved round the planet and DNA analysis can detect traces of these movements - often with intriguing results.

    One study by project scientists Pierre Zalloua and Chris Tyler-Smith has discovered a genetic marker typical of Europeans in modern Lebanese men. The inference is clear they say: this distinctive Y-chromosome was left behind by 11th-century Crusaders when they invaded Lebanon and then settled in the country. A similar sort of genetic legacy has been detected in regions where Gengis Khan ruled and which has been linked to the many male descendants he produced.

    As for Africa, it has the most genetically diverse population of all the continents, as would be expected of humanity's birthplace. And of those living today, the Khoisan people of southern Africa are probably the closest, genetically, to the founding mothers and fathers of humanity, say project scientists.

  • hamilcarr

    What would JWs think of this remarkable diaspora?

  • BurnTheShips


    But the journey has scarcely begun.


  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Interesting....too bad for Mormons who say the American Indians are ancient Jewish if!

  • DanTheMan

    Could you provide the link? At the risk of sounding uptight here, I don't think it's fair to copy and paste full articles from websites whose existence depends on advertising revenues.

  • hamilcarr
  • hamilcarr

    Quo vadis Burn?

  • jaguarbass

    I dont know about man existing 60,000 years ago.

    What I see is civilization and man began in Sumeria about 8,ooo years ago.

    Civilization just poped up with man beign able to write, inventing the wheel , understanding astronomy.

    Where is the eveidence of people living 60,000 years ago.

    Its always aluded to in some article but there is never any evidence.

    There is all kind of evidence that man began in Sumeria about 8,ooo years ago which the bible and written history gives credence to.

    I'm not saying the bible says history started in Sumeria. The bible gives evidence of a young earth.

    And even if you dispute a young earth, the bible starts recording history of man about the same time Sumeria poped up.

    I guess you will say 20,000, 30,000 years ago men were neanderthals and thats why their is no history.

    But were is the evidence that there were humans 60,000 years ago.

    It always goes to magic dating systems that have been exposed to be fallible.

    I guess thats all they have magic dating systems and theories.

    I dont have a problem with you or ancient men theories being correct. But where is the evidence?

    It seems people who believe these things do not understand how to document and reference information with footnotes and sources of information.

    Reading about man existing 60,ooo years ago is about as reliable as reading an Awake magazine.

  • darth frosty
  • Octarine Prince
    Octarine Prince

    The Bible doesn't say "Sumeria" but it does point to the Fertile Crescent area.

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