Changeling..I clean it up.............Watson..Add some sandwich meat and 2 slices of bread!.............Cameo-d..#1:sometimes..#2:Yes...............Locked chaos..You can do that?.............Beksbks..I need that!................BXB..Yuck..LOL!! you put it on the clothes line or toss it in the dryer?.....................Hope4others..Smart!....................Hal9000..No wine on the key board?....................Tired of Hypocrisy..You and BXB should have dinner together!..LOL!!................ ...OUTLAW
..The Meal in your Key Board..
by OUTLAW 35 Replies latest jw friends
In the Electronics industry, we have "hair dryers" that will MELT SOLDER; I've also used an oven that you could drive a forklift into.
In between these extremes, I usually used compressed air, holding the keyboard upside down. Sometimes I would use that industrial strength hair dryer, without turning the heat on, just for the blower. Then I would sit the piece upside down on a towel, preferrably overnight.
That was for the drying stage; if I thought there was serious damage I would disassemble the keyboard and swab it out with Q-tips.
For T-O-H: I could see those crumbs and maybe a sesame seed, so I drooled over a Carls Jr. Famous Star, a la Homer Simpson
(pizza was the closest I could get)
OK; this is serious: I'm hungry and I'm going to eat peanut butter and crackers at the computer. Keyboard take warning
Right now I`m baking a SeaFood Queasadea in the BBQ.....Shrimp,Diced:onions/red&green peppers/jalapeno,Spiced to perfection and topped with mozzarella cheese..When it`s done,I`ll put a few dolop`s of salsa and sour creme on it..Yum!.............When I`m all done..I can lick the key board!..LOL!.................................OUTLAW
..Dam this SeaFood Quesadea is Good!.....When I`m done..I`m going to mail my Keyboard to some poor kids in Africa!..So they have something to eat!....................OUTLAW
Surprised y'all haven't learned the neatest way to deal with keyboard crumbs. When you shut down for the evening, lay the mouse on the keyboard and leave it overnight. Next morning the thing will be clean and the mouse will be ready for a days work!
Outlaw, I would like to invite you to cook for me when you visit me. I am a caretaker of a very large home. You would have to PM me about the location of the house. I live in that house all alone. The owner lives in London.
Asilentone..Everybody wants me to cook for them!..That`s what I get for going to Culinary Arts school..LOL!!.....If I`m your way,I would love to cook you an Incredible Meal.....Restrangled already has me for Florida.........Maybe I can Chef my way around the World?!..LOL!!......................OUTLAW
Ruined a nice lap top knocking over a glass of wine onto the key board. That was about 4 years ago.....I've been very careful since!
You can purchase a nice can of air spray for dusting computer keyboards.....very cheap.
Did you know that the bacteria on computer keyboards rivals that in bathrooms? Clean it often!