All Around My Hat.

by Englishman 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    A guy came in our pub tonight wearing a back to front baseball hat. After 10 minutes or so he was getting very miffed that no-one wanted to talk to him. I explained to him that he was offending everyone by wearing a hat indoors, surely, especially as he is a police officer, he was aware that it is extremely bad manners to wear a hat indoors?

    He said that he had never heard of such a thing, and asked other people present if he was offending them. They said, yes, it's bad manners to wear a hat indoors, you should know better at your age, being a police officer and all.

    I suppose that this is just a UK thing, only ladies are allowed to wear a hat indoors, is this the same everywhere else?


    Nostalgia isn't what it used to be....

  • closer2fine

    I some places I guess it is rude, but here in the US it is fine to wear a hat in a bar or club.

    BTW, what is a back to front baseball hat? Do you mean a baseball hat worn backwards??


  • Englishman


    Well, yes!

    Nostalgia isn't what it used to be....

  • closer2fine

    LOL that's what I thought!

    But you know you crazy Brits - it could be some type of really offensive special hat from England :o)


  • Billygoat

    I'll disagree about the US comment. Down here in the south/southwest any gentleman knows to take his hat off inside. They also know to take it off during the National Anthem. Grrr! That really irks me when I go to a Rangers game and guys (notice I don't say "gentlemen") don't take their hats off.

    One thing I hate about my generation is that so few people understand everyday common courtesy and etiquette anymore.


  • ashitaka


    we Yanks don't give a goddam about hat-wearing. It seems silly to me. Why is it so offensive? Just tradition I suppose.


  • closer2fine

    Andi -

    I've been to quite a few bars and clubs in Texas (Billy Bob's) and guys wear their hats all the time. When they are dancing, at the bar, riding the bull. Where would they put a thousand hats in that place? I agree that in a decent restaurant they should come off - but in a dance hall?

    (edited 'cause it came out too bitchy the first time :o)


  • Billygoat

    ASHI! You don't take your hat off either? Come 'ere and let me spank you! You'll be a gentleman by the time I'm done with ya!


  • Englishman

    OK, here you go:

    Dear M---,

    Well, let the Etiquette Grrls begin by saying we've Put Our Foot Down about Baseball Caps. Unless you are, in fact, playing Baseball, you shouldn't be wearing one. And you especially shouldn't be wearing one at work, at the University Club, etc. And you should never wear a baseball cap backward--whatever is the point of that? To keep the sun on your face but off your neck? Obviously, if you are a Hat Person (and the Etiquette Grrls believe people are either Hat People or Non-Hat People), and you have pretty, flattering, perhaps vintage hats, you may wear them upon occasion. If you wear a hat to the theater, etc., you should take it off as soon as you are seated. While you, Dear Reader, may think your hat is Quite Small, it may still be blocking the view of the Poor Person Sitting Behind You. At other events, make sure your hat suits the occasion and season. At A Garden Party, you may, if you are a Hat Person, wear your favorite summery chapeau--but no fur, no heavy felt, etc. And steer clear of Stocking Caps, Visors, those silly-looking "boating hats" which, apparently, are part of a Required Uniform for those who shop at Abercrombie & Fitch, and Fezzes. We're not sure any hat would look appropriate in the Workplace, but perhaps, if you work somewhere very Artsy and Off-Beat, you might be able to Carry Off a nice vintage hat.

    Men remove all hats indoors. The moment they step indoors.

    The Etiquette Grrls

    Nostalgia isn't what it used to be....

  • ashitaka

    Andi!!! Watch the spanking comments!!! My wife is around!!!lol

    And yes, I do take my hat off, but I never understood why. There seems to be no logical reason for it.


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