All Around My Hat.

by Englishman 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • zerubberballs

    aw shit english,

    you sprung me .. i was gonna welcome you back by raising a dozen or so of your ghosts from xmas past .. it's 4am and i'm too knackered to do anything else .. bloody insomnia (and damn this steaming humidity too :(

    Glad you had a nice holiday with grimsby chip butties, pretty snow birds and such. Happy New Year

    unclebruce currently cruis'n page 84

  • gambler

    Leave it to the british to get offended if you dont take your hat off or dont sip your tea right.If anal-retentiveness was an olympic sport no country could ever come close to beating england.

  • zerubberballs

    Hey gambler,

    don't be shy, just say what's on your mind son lol. In the late '70's when the JW Family book came out illustrating personal growth by speaking about springs held tight for two long, I imediately thought of the many Englishmen I know. With time and a lot of tender care they can loosen up into fine new Australians.



    my hats:

    Baseball caps - great invention for avoiding the sun when the big hat doesn't suit, like when driving earthmoving equipment and the headrest keeps pushing the rim of yer acubra forward. All black and worn backwards when working on the motor or stirring up the misses.

    Northern Territory Acubra (Cowboy hat) - best working hat of all, if yer head can take the weight.

    Blues Bro's hat - worn with black suit and sunglasses to the annual Narooma Blues festival or if Bathory invites me to another assembly ;)

    White canvas hat - for seakayaking and the beach.

    Straw hats - garden, beach and cruising the coast.

    white terry towling hat - YIKES! (my reaction opening a xmas present from fashion freak daughter)

    Hey Simon - you want we should send our old hats to you poor Manchester folk?

  • gambler

    Salt Lake City Utah winter olympics. Anouncer#1 : In earlier action today England completed a medal sweep in the field of feces retention.preston II took the gold with a time of 2 weeks,4 min and 7 seconds breaking his own world record by 23 min.Fellow englishmen Edward thames and triston rudingshire took the silver and bronze. Anouncer#2 Boy al what a run its been for the UK in this field.I thought china might give them some competition this year but I was wrong.China will have to be content with its forth place finish of 5 days 4 min and 55 seconds. Anouncer#1 And there was some controversy earlier when prestons coach acused the chinese of slipping a massive dieretic into prestons waterbottle.Prestons coach was livid but told reporters that although preston was in severe discomfort he still kicked their butt even after downing a hole bottle of turbo lax.If this allegation proves true china could be banned from the next feces retention competition. Anouncer#2 Interesting stuff, and now lets go to rebeca for the downhill slolem results.

  • Englishman

    Hey Gambler,

    Why not form your own Brit-hating society? We are used to dealing with bird-brained people who are seething with jealousy, tell me, Shit-for-brains, did you major in moronics or is it hereditary?


    Bring on the dancing girls!

  • gambler

    Whoaa I must of hit a nerve.Relax man.Just poking some fun at you guys.You guys american bash all the time but when you get it back you cry foul just like the JWs do.Lighten up.

  • unclebruce

    Geez Gamber + English,

    I'm glad none of you blokes knows how to bash the great south land. Our Australian birthright is to laugh and poke fun at every sick self absorbed culture, retarded creed and clueless tinpot dictatorship .. and that's just America


    PS: It's very easy for us to pick on the English .. we know 'em so well. Brits? who are they? unc who doesn't hear anyone picking on the scots welsh or irish .. mmm lol

  • ozziepost

    Youse got me smiling all over me face, unc. LOL

    Ozzie (of the true loosened up class)

    Bring on just one dancing girl - I'm old and I can't handle more than one at a time.

  • Englishman
    You guys american bash all the time but when you get it back you cry foul just like the JWs do.

    We do?


    Bring on the dancing girls!

  • zerubberballs

    Hey ozzie, you want I should press yer hat? ('scuse my brooklyn accent abbott and costello are on tv .. the american funny guys not the aussie silly buggers ;)

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