Oh God she's dumb... LOL!

by dawg 104 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • dawg

    This election is over... no way that performance can't hurt the McCain cause... LOL!

    Bye Bye Republicans, at least she's "honest"... LOL!

  • reneeisorym

    Biden is winning this thing hands down. There's no competition. I'd be terrified to have her a president. She's over her head.

  • dawg

    The last question, she went off on a tear, she's talking like a crazy person... this will go down in history as the worst debate ever.. I actually feel sorry for her...

  • kerj2leev


    Aren't you the same guy who couldn't even get along with his own party??

  • watson

    She's going for the sympathy vote. How's she doing Dawg.

  • shamus100

    Was it really that bad? I didn't catch it!

  • dawg

    Was it really that bad? Are you freaking kidding me? She made a complete ass of herself...

    Oh my goodness, please don't tell me you guys are blind to this utter foolishness.. LOL!

    Transcript please, so I can post all the absolute dumb crap she's said.... LOL!

    I can't wait for a transcript for this....

  • shamus100

    Shit... I missed it!

    They had some hi-lights of her on the news... I don't follow the American politics too much, but she does seem a little green.

    A woman gun-nut, LOL.

  • Leolaia

    It's still on.

    Palin's comments are "big picture" stuff, and are often devoid of substance and are made on values/ideological grounds. Biden gives well-constructed answers, citing details, facts, figures, voting records, etc. Palin did not make any major gaffes that I noticed, although she made some rather poor/embarrassing attempts at humor. In a sense, Palin : Obama in the last debate, Biden : McCain in the last debate, inasmuch as Obama was more "big picture" and McCain was more "facty" and specific in the last debate. Obama however is rhetorically a heck of a lot better than Palin; there is no comparison. Biden is the clear winner tonight.

    My 5 cents. ;)

  • beksbks

    She started out very strong. But ultimately, everything she had was rote. She spewed it out like a robot. A snarky sarcastic robot.

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