I am not in the mood to go through this point by point my dearest Burn, but you've got #14 wrong, that is NOT what Biden said. So I assume you are wrong on the other 13 as well
Oh God she's dumb... LOL!
by dawg 104 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Or what your ancestors did to care for you?
Hey buddy, do your research, Biden made that up in one of his speeches. His parents never were coal miners. Biden plagiarized a speech whole cloth.
Brother Apostate
Hey buddy, do your research, Biden made that up in one of his speeches. His parents never were coal miners. Biden plagiarized a speech whole cloth.
I'll do my research.
Politicians lie? Who knew.
BA- Product of coal miners from the Scranton Area.
BA- Product of coal miners from the Scranton Area.
I get it. Never meant it as a jab at your roots bro. Respect.
Burns, day after day of checking your "facts" have only reveled to me that I'm wasting my time chasing the rainbows of illusions you wish were real...
You're side lost big time tonight; I know you're sad but come on man.. you had to know she was a fool when you saw that minister running demons from her head... LOL! She believed in faith healing for Christ's sake! LOL!
She looked real bad, and even you on the right have to know that.... if not, you better get some demons expelled from your heads... LOL! -
You're side lost big time tonight; I know you're sad but come on man.. you had to know she was a fool when you saw that minister running demons from her head... LOL! She believed in faith healing for Christ's sake! LOL!
We'll have to wait for the polls and reactions to come out, but I suspect that you will be very wrong on Sarah "losing big time".
Sarahcuda kicked some ass tonight. I can't believe she said, "Say it ain't so Joe.".
Don't get jealous Dawg, but I clearly saw Sarah wink at me twice tonight.
Never underestimate a woman - I keep saying it
Dude man, it's been fun, we'll see the polls tomorrow... LOL!
I dont give a fart about the polls tomorrow - I only care about November 4th
I think she made a good point, we have the resources, and we need to use them, and it is alot more too.
My family grew up in the heart of the billion dollar coal field, coal is essential to our economy almost as much as oil. We need to use these resources.
During the Clinton years the coal inustry suffered, during the Bush administration the coal industry has boomed. For the first time in ages new jobs are opening up in the coal field. The trains are running day and night instead of idling on the tracks.
We have the resources, we have the technology to make them more environmentally friendly. We need to use our own resources instead of being held captives to the middle east and venezuela.
I like her energy plan, despite it being somewhat different than John McCain.