Oh God she's dumb... LOL!

by dawg 104 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate
    She's another religious freak that thinks that God is everywhere, just like F.......k Bush that ruined this country.

    Great example of a dicto simpliciter ad dictum secundum quid (fallacy of accident). "He's another German, just like Hitler that scmuck" "He's another black man, just like O J Simpson that murderer" BA- I find it hilarious how many dumb comments are being made on this thread attempting to belittle someone for how "dumb" she is. ROFL.

  • dawg

    I'm sure you do BA, people like you elected the absolute idiot we have running things now... we on the left already know that you right wing guys don't care about intellect. Most of you are like your leaders, not very intellectual..

    You want a "joe 6 pack" candidate don't you, you want Bubba running this nation.. we've had that the last 8 years, how do you think that's working out for us?

    Her academic abilities are important, she was a great actor the other night, but the debates plainly showed she doesn't know what she's talking about.

    That is what this thread is about BA...

  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate
    I'm sure you do BA, people like you elected the absolute idiot we have running things now... we on the left already know that you right wing guys don't care about intellect. Most of you are like your leaders, not very intellectual..

    You want a "joe 6 pack" candidate don't you, you want Bubba running this nation.. we've had that the last 8 years, how do you think that's working out for us?

    Her academic abilities are important, she was a great actor the other night, but the debates plainly showed she doesn't know what she's talking about.

    That is what this thread is about BA...

    Dawg, You are so misled, and presumptuous, that I rarely respond to your obtuse comments. However, since I have a little time, I'll do so. "People like me..."- as usual, presumptuous, and dead wrong, nothing new there. "You right wing guys"- I see that inside your dysfunctional world, anyone who points out the stupidity of fallacious arguments must be "A right wing guy", Lol! You know what's funny? In essence, you are saying that making fallacious arguments is a practice of the "left", and pointing out this fact is the domain of the "right". Since you probably still don't get it, in other words, you are saying that "the left" must make fallacious arguments (is dumb), while the right must point them out (is not dumb), you silly knucklehead! "We on the left"- too funny! Yes, Dawg, inside your head, you have been elected as the voice of "the left", ROTFLMAO@the_idiocy_of_that_statement. Look, dawg, you were clearly over your head when you drew your first breath, you have my condolences. My advice is this- be good to your few remaining brain cells that are still functional- just say NO to drugs, mmmmk? Really, take a break from the bong, clear the resin out of the synapses, it will do you a world of good. BA- Cheers. PS- "left", "right", dumbocrat or jackass, all bought and paid for by the same folks, two sides of the same coin. No charge for the education.

  • dawg

    Thank you so much for answering my question BA... Not...

    Go back to your beer fat ass, grown ups are talking here.

  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate

    Oh God he's dumb... LOL!

    Clearly, cannabis is to blame.

    BA- When asked what the link between Alzheimer's and smoking pot is, 99.99% of pot smokers replied: "I forget".

  • hemp lover
    hemp lover

    "Sorry to say it but ya...I am gaga about this leggy and sexy gal....."

    Well, at least you didn't try to claim she's intelligent. Unfortunately, Palin would like to set women back to the time when we didn't mind being called "gals".

  • Emma

    I'm sorry, I don't know how she can be described as well spoken. Her sentence structure in nonexistent, she didn't answer questions, seemed to begin a sentence with one subject and ended up on something entirely different. She came across as self confident, but that's not the same as well spoken.

  • beksbks
    She came across as self confident, but that's not the same as well spoken.

    Emma, I would call it smug and full of herself, not self confident.

  • free2beme

    It has been my experience, without fail, that people who are all acting all freaked out by Palin; never liked her in the begining and were Obama supporters in the first place. Yet, like a great actor trying to win an Oscar, they try and act like it is something else and it is not. Just my experience here, perhaps yours is different.

  • Emma
    Emma, I would call it smug and full of herself, not self confident.

    OK, I'll stand corrected.

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