You're tired of the hipocracy yet say this.. "Sorry to say it but ya...I am gaga about this leggy and sexy gal".
Who gives a rat's ass what the leaders of our country look like... I wouldn't care if our leaders had asses for heads as long as they made my country better... you on the right have the worst priorities of any humans I've ever known... her legs? Are you freaking kidding me?
Oh God she's dumb... LOL!
by dawg 104 Replies latest watchtower scandals
she was the perfect pick. McCain's got this one in the bag.
Watching Palin hopelessly stumble through the debate I'm reminded of my favorite quote from the "Back to the Future" movie. After Marty McFly suddenly departs from the dinner table of his young mother (year 1955) after she grabs his leg under the table, her mother says "strange boy." The father, though, counters with the classic, "He's (Palin's) an idiot! Comes from upbringing. Parents were probably idiots too. Lorraine, if you ever have a kid like that I'll disown you."
In the UK we heard that she was very good, and then they had both Republican and Democrat Senators praising how well she did and saying she was neck and neck with the other guy.
So, who's telling the truth.
Was she excellent as the BBC said and more than able to match and hold her own.....or was she dumb?
Gill, I've never seen a more lop sided defeat turned into a victory by the press in my life... she's as dumb as a damned stone.
Most of the comments on this thread appear to be over emotional on either side.
They both were inconsistent with the facts throughout the debate.
It appeared that they both knew that they were doing this.
They are politicians and counting on most people not checking on any of it and just accepting what they heard.
What people hear too often depends on what they want to hear.
That explains the more extreme comments on this particular thread.
She held her own and was impressive in delivery not on facts.
He didn't come off as he normally does so that was impressive. He was also not correct on facts.
I appreciate the impartiality of your comment here, and as far as raw facts go - you are correct.
However this event was billed as a "debate", which I thought involves give and take -- and actual adjusting your answers to the flow of the event rather than just finding the right index card and reading it. No doubt Biden had his talking points well-prepared too, however he actually addressed all the questions and thought on his feet beyond "oh gee where's the index card for that". Palin tried to make her own rule from the outset -- "I'm not going to necessarily answer the questions you pose, but I'm going to talk directly to the American people". That to me means she didn't want to debate or really answer questions.
If she gets elected to the 2nd highest office in the land, she'd better not disrespect the American public like that.
Biden's answers were frequently not factual. That is hardly thinking on your toes.
He was at those moments either incorrect or lying. Is that success?
Only if you don't care about integrity.
Winning depends on perspective.
Neither won, both won.
This was about poll numbers.
She's another religious freak that thinks that God is everywhere, just like F.......k Bush that ruined this country.
Biden's answers were frequently not factual. Prove it or you're guilty of doing what you accuse others of doing...