Despite it being only a rumor at this point, it's entirely believable, for two reasons:
1) The Society is tossing out Bethelites who have been there for 10+ years - people who have responsible jobs and lots of connections throughout mid and high-level administration. In other words, they could actually pull it off, since tearing them out with force could do more damage than to let them stay.
2) It's BEEN Bethel policy that if you liked Bethel and fit in well, to make it your life's vocation. They gave constant encouragement (up until about 2001/02) to consider spending the rest of your life at Bethel. It was, in effect, a verbal contract between the GB and thousands of potential "lifers." Now they want to renege on that policy and screw these ones who have given the BEST YEARS OF THEIR LIVES (no children, no careers, no homes, etc.) to this rotten corporation.
If this is true, they could actually pull it off. If it is true, expect to see some serious changes in how Bethel manages its personnel. Hundreds of positions will be adapted to temp-workers, and even more will be let go.