OK, I think we may have inadvertedly stumbled onto a legal loophole here. Since the Society has stated in writing that working at Bethel can be a 'career', are the people that work there really only dispensible volunteers? Here are some more quotes from their literature on the matter:
"Because of the kind of work that is done here, there are certain requirements that must be met by applicants. Those invited are healthy young men and women between the ages of 19 and 40. Also healthy married couples over 25 years of age, married more than three years, may apply. They should be without any obligations or responsibilities at present toward family members. All applicants for Bethel service must agree to stay at Bethel for at least four years. But, better still, why not make Bethel service your career, your life’s work?"......... We hope that more of you can share our joy, especially by making Bethel your life career.-----October 1972 Kingdom Ministry Branch Letter
"...Our letter in last month’s Kingdom Ministry pointed out what the requirements are. When a person comes, we hope he will stay at least four years. But for many it can become a career. Many members of the family have done that, and there are brothers and sisters at Bethel who have been here for thirty, forty, fifty or more years."-----November 1972 Kingdom Ministry p 4 A Letter from Brother Knorr
"...The minimum stay for those invited for Bethel service is one year. This enables them to be trained to become productive workers. The hope is that they will be able to make Bethel their home."----June 2001 Kingdom Ministry p. 4 par 14 Can You Make Yourself Available?
30 min: "Can You Make Yourself Available?" Encouraging talk interspersed with comments from the audience in answer to prepared questions on paragraphs 13 and 18-24. Encourage parents to help their children to consider Bethel service as a career. Recommend that families study this insert together in their family study."-------June 2001 Kingdom Ministry
A 'career' is defined as:
- A chosen pursuit; a profession or occupation;
- The general course or progression of one's working life or one's professional achievements: an officer with a distinguished career; a teacher in the midst of a long career.
If in fact the WTS does end up getting sued from Bethelites that are being forced out, the Bethelites, if they so desired, might just have a case to sue. It wouldn't be too difficult to prove that they were lured into serving at Bethel with the clear promise that they would be taken care of for life. Not only that, but many could also stress the point that they gave up promising 'worldly' careers on the very advise from the people who are now kicking them out.
This is reminisent of what used to happen to housewives decades before Women's Liberation: You got married, you didn't work outside the home, you 'volunteered' by raising the kids, cooking, cleaning, being a good wife, obeying her husband, etc. In return, you had your food, clothing and shelter provided. If you were lucky, you had a loving husband too. They went into the marriage of course, believing they would be taken care of for life. Of course, if the husband decided he wanted a younger wife after 20 years, he simply left and the wife was left with absolutely no recourse, no way of providing for herself or anything. The laws of the land wised up eventually and realized that this was simply not fair and of course today, a house-wife is entitled to monetary gains if the marriage ends.
The WTS has apparently not caught on that it's hardly 'Christian' to suddenly abandon the people who gave them the "best years of their life". If they truly cannot use these people at Bethel any more, couldn't they at least let them stay in a 'grace-and-favour' apartment until they got sufficient training to support themselves? Would it really be such a bad thing to continue to provide them with the necessities of life for a few more years? I really find it dispicable that they could treat people in such a lousy fashion.
Wouldn't it be ironic if some of these Bethelites read this and started a lawsuit against the WTS?