"This Could Be The Beginning of The Great Tribulation!"

by minimus 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Satanus

    'you can smell it Our deliverance is getting close'

    Yes, i used to smell that, sometimes. I think it was glue drying.


  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Yes it could but when "the beast" George Bush falls into "the Abyss" of in-activity all will be well.

  • blondie

    In his book Enemies published in 1937 he wrote:

    Will Great Britain and America become Fascist under the dominating control of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy? The Scriptures and the facts appear to fully support that conclusion.


  • minimus

    Rutherford knew his stuff!

  • Blueblades

    Remember "The World Tomorrow", The Plain Truth Magazine", Herbert W.Armstrong and his son, Garner Ted Armstrong? The whole reversing and confession to their congregations that they were mistaken about Britian and America in prophecy among other things that million put their hope in.

    They swore that the Scriptures revealed such and such about the time of the end, it all went up in smoke. The Watchtower won't go the route of Armstrong and admit that they too are wrong.


  • frozen one
    frozen one

    All end of the world types use qualifiers when making their bold statements - could, might, possibly, may, appears, etc. Let me know when one of them says, "This is definetely it!"

  • jaguarbass

    If the US keeps sinking into this depression, it will be a great tribulation for the US.

    Soup and food lines, unemployment, this will lead to more cirme and kaos.

    If the US becomes a third world country, that will be a great depression for Americans.

    The JW's/ slash watchtower is a United States religion. Thats who their main body of adherents are.

    If an African , Haitan, Cuban or Chinaman stumbles on a Wactower magazine and falls for it, they will say we have been in a great tribulation for the last 100 years.

    The Bible was written by the Jews they have already had their great tribulations. I dont know how many times and how many times they have been delivered.

    One of their more recent devils was hitler and one of their more recent Messiah's was FDR.

    When your neighbors out of work its a recession. When you are out of work its a depression.

    America is a country run by corporations which sustains itself by selling brain dead people junk they do not need.

    When the brain dead people figure out they dont need or want the junk, the house of cards is going to fall down.

    Maybe thats why we are having a needless stupid war, to thin the heard of brain dead stupid people.

    And to give some love to the arms manufacturers and Haliburton and Chaneys friends.

  • asilentone

    hey it has been viewed 777 times!

  • minimus


  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More

    HELL NO! Isn't it supposed to come as a 'thief in the night', 'at a time you do not think it to be so'?

    I'm going to wait until all this excitement dies down, markets stabilize, everyone sitting under their own vine and fig tree as it were because then no one will be expecting it and that is when it will take place!

    GEEZ, I mean there's a scripture for this scenario, a scripture for the peace and security scenario, a scripture for the 'signs' scenario, and a scripture for the misleading shysters crying WOLF scenario - take your pick!

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