Billy, great commentary, much enjoyed in this household, sir.
Billy's Comments You Might Hear at the 10-12-08 WT Study (MAINTAIN LOYALTY)
by Billy the Ex-Bethelite 49 Replies latest watchtower bible
Thanks Billie for the great review.
Has anyone noticed that The Watchtower articles of today are written quite differently than those written by Russell over a hundred years ago?
It is a completely different magazine from what it was when it started.
Thank you for all the hard work you put into this Billy! Excellent!
My favorite line:
Blondie has allowed me to take the reins for this article. In harmony with the subjection principle as outlined in Scripture, I'm wearing an appropriate headcovering--aluminum foil.
Thank you for sharing what it is like to be deceived for so many years. My heart sinks when I hear testimonies from Witness youth about how they are giving up scholarships in order to go in to full-time field service. At least Mormons limit the commitment to two years of solid effort. Then the kids can go on to college, marry, and do the other things that young people do. They can face middle age with the true riches that come with it. Like grandchildren, a paid-for home, and financial security. I fail to see how these simple things are in opposition to a spiritual life.
Verrry entertaining!
Who's going to say the closing prayer?
Good stuff Bill, you outline their shite clearly for everyone to see
Thanks Billy!
5 Materialism may not seem to be an issue of loyalty, but it is. Do we trust in Jehovah's promise to provide what we really need? (Matt. 6:33; Heb. 13:5) Rather than striving to obtain at any cost some of the "better" things in life that are presently beyond our reach, can we do without them? (Read Philipplans 4:11-13.) Are we tempted to forgo theocratic privileges in order to get what we want now? Does loyal service to Jehovah have first place in our life? Our answers will largely depend on whether we are wholehearted in our service to God or not. "It is a means of great gain," wrote the apostle Paul, "this godly devotion along with self-sufficiency. For we have brought nothing into the world, and neither can we carry anything out. So, having sustenance and covering, we shall be content with these things."—! Tim. 6:6-8.
This is yet another example of them speaking out both sides of their mouth. Paragraph 5 above is a not-so-subtle suggestion that you should be content living hand-to-mouth your entire life with no long term financial goals or even plans. Yet the November 15th Craptower is encouraging you to leave all your worldly possessions to the very goons who told you to be content with 'sustenance and covering':
1. Insurance - " Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania may be named as the beneficiary of a life insurance policy or a retirement/pension plan.
2. Bank Accounts - " Bank accounts, certificate of deposit, or individual retirement accounts may be placed in trust for or made payable on death to Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, in accord with local bank requirements. "
3. Stocks and Bonds - " Stocks and bonds may be donated to WTBS of Pennsylvania as an outright gift. "
4. Real Estate - " Salable real estate may be donated either by making an outright gift or, in the case of residential property, by reserving a life estate to the donor, who can continue to live therein during his or her lifetime. Contact the branch office in your country before deeding any real estate ".
5. Wills and Trusts - " Property or money may be bequeathed to the WTBTS of Pennsylvania by means of a legally executed will, or WTBTS of Pennsylvania may be named as beneficiary of a trust agreement. A trust benefiting a religious organization may provide certain tax benefits."
Truly nauseating.....The Slobbering Body members themselves certainly have no financial worries. They live in a beautiful complex, rent-free, bill-free, and enjoy free travel, free food, free clothing, free medical, free legal advise, they get their laundry done for free and get their accomodations cleaned for free. They never have to worry about paying for a hydro bill, a telephone bill or the monthly payment on their brand new cars and they never have to worry about getting laid off or fired (unless they had a crisis of conscience----then they'd be booted to the door in the twinkling of an eye).
These are the same men who have the balls to tell the rank and file Witness that they shouldn't accept a better paying job if it interfers with meetings or service, yet they expect these same people to support their sorry asses until they finally croak.
13 Some hear what they want to hear when it comes to counsel. For example, a publisher may be offered a job that could cut into the time he can spend with his family and on theocratic activities. He may ask an elder for advice. The elder may preface his remarks by acknowledging that he is not in a position to tell the brother how to support his family. Then the elder may review with the brother the spiritual dangers involved in accepting the employment he has been offered. Will the brother remember only the elder's initial comments, or will he give serious consideration to the follow-up? The brother obviously needs to determine what is best for him in a spiritual way.
14 Consider another possible situation. A sister may ask an elder if she should separate from her unbelieving husband. The elder will undoubtedly explain that the decision whether to separate or not is hers to make. He may then review the Bible's counsel on the subject. (1 Cor. 7:10-16) Will the sister give due consideration to what the elder says? Or has she already made up her mind to leave her husband? In making her decision, it will be wise for her to give prayerful consideration to Bible-based counsel.
Nice job reminding the Elders to direct and misdirect at the same time......
Really if the man doesn't have the cohones to know what is best for his family .....what type of 'headship' does he exude in his household?
Trust me if she is asking around........she has already got one foot out the door! It is interesting how they use 1Cor 7:10-16 in the article but by all accounts more and more Elders are using.... *** w88 11/1 pp. 22-23 pars. 12 When Marital Peace Is Threatened ***
12 Absolute endangerment of spirituality also provides a basis for separation. The believer in a religiously divided home should do everything possible to take advantage of God’s spiritual provisions. But separation is allowable if an unbelieving mate’s opposition (perhaps including physical restraint) makes it genuinely impossible to pursue true worship and actually imperils the believer’s spirituality. Yet, what if a very unhealthy spiritual state exists where both mates are believers? The elders should render assistance, but especially should the baptized husband work diligently to remedy the situation. Of course, if a baptized marriage partner acts like an apostate and tries to prevent his mate from serving Jehovah, the elders should handle matters according to the Scriptures. If disfellowshipping takes place in a case involving absolute endangerment of spirituality, willful nonsupport, or extreme physical abuse, the faithful Christian who seeks a legal separation would not be going against Paul’s counsel about taking a believer to court.—1 Corinthians 6:1-8.
Hey Billy pretty good! You and Blondie should do a radio show on this, like Kevin and Bean or something! You both have interesting perspectives, like good cop/bad cop! LOL thanks, Randy
I agree with Randy. If not a radio show, at least a good podcast. Good job, Billy.