Love it, Billy.
Billy's Comments You Might Hear at the 10-12-08 WT Study (MAINTAIN LOYALTY)
by Billy the Ex-Bethelite 49 Replies latest watchtower bible
Billy, Billy, Billy,
That was great. I laughed so hard I cried with the picture in "my minds eye" of you wearing an aluminum foil head covering.
But then the reality of the study set in and I went through 3 airsick bags now I'm going up to take a shower.
An ex old prophet
Why cant I print this off? I copy the article, then post it to my Word pad and hit paste and it wont appear properly -- only on half the page all the way down - is there a lock on the info?
Pls adviseTL
mary stewart
reniaa, billy's prolly an atheist like me. :grin:
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
I just wish you'd written more passionate comments.
Ha. Well, Blondie already warned me to watch my language or I'd get public reproof. I guess I've been reading too many of Mary's comments and am starting to talk like a trucker.
"...the selfish lying bastards that have led the WT Society..." Well, I'll give you a "G" for your "passionate comments", but I think you can do better next time.YY2-
deceitful, lying reasons and excuses
As I recall, I think that might have been the secret name of a secret sub-department under the Writing Committee. The secret Bethel acronym was DLRAE, pronounce "Dell-Ray"... ha, ha, I'm just joking ... or am I?
LDH & Mickey mouse-
Hey, where'd you get my pictures?
Good examples of how Watch Tower Corporation can pick quotes and examples from different parts of the Babble to support contrasting "lessons".
Additionally on your quote, the elders are told to first "explain that the decision whether to separate or not is hers to make," because they could get their asses sued for giving bad counsel with coersion.
Your first paragraph is a red herring. Of course I employ intellectual snobbery since I strive to keep the comments lively with satire sprinkled throughout. I don't disagree that TV shows will use "flat characters" to move a story along. But TV shows are entertainment. The Watchtower Study is supposed to be education. Your attempt to divert the subject clearly avoids the fact that this article is cherry picking and generalizing parts of the account to create two particular false analogies. The first false analogy is that materialism is bad and Jehovah hates material wealth. Well, that runs contrary to the countless OT examples from Abraham and Job, right down to King David. They were all very rich materially as a sign of Jehovah's blessing. The second false analogy is to not trust our own judgment, but rely on advice from elders. Actually, in the account the young prophet should have trusted his own judgment and ignored the advice from the old prophet. Indeed, your first paragraph is a red herring. Your argument fails to address the original issue.
Your second paragraph begins with a misquote. I stated, "He never could pick any king for the ten tribe kingdom that could be faithful to him for a full week." I was being sarcastic since none of the kings of the southern kingdom ever were truly faithful and terminated the worship of the golden calf. When King Josiah of Judah invaded the south, alters were finally torn down and desecrated... as prophecied by the young prophet before Jeroboam. But this destruction by Josiah occurred after the independent ten tribe kingdom had already been destroyed by Assyria.
Thank you, but I'm not interested in examining your thread. Have a nice day.
MadGiant & PassPro-
You're Welcome! Thanks for reading! Tell your friends!
Well, I'm a little young to remember the WT study from a hundred years ago. But they've changed from last year. The new Kool-Aid edition is much more cultish and attempts to use all the weight of the phrase "Faithful and Discreet Slave Class" to get the sheeples to swallow the crappy new, revised, opposite teachings from previous crappy teachings.
You're welcome!
The feelings I've gone through on my "mental escape" seem to have mirrored what would simply be called "grief". It's a profound sense of loss. A loss of time and a loss of hope. However, as that grief passes, new reality is accepted and a different hope grows.
Although you may feel sad for people like me, your work here on JWD helps us recover.
Well, put on your foil helmet and lead us in the closing prayer!
you outline their shite clearly for everyone to see
I think you mean "for everyone to smell." In either case, thanks!
Don't hold back girl, tell us how you really feel about the way the GB wants to pick clean your retirement, savings, and wallet. Can you feel the love?... The love of the FDS for $$$ !
Really, most of the time the elders ought to mind their own business. Enough of them have their own marriage and family problems.
Well, I have been told that I have a face for radio. Unfortunately, my time and energy are rather limited at present.
no more kool aid-
(sigh) And when I was in Bethel, everyone warned about the danger of apostate ex-Bethelites. I want a time machine, so I can go back and have a "do over". I think I'll check if any time machines have been listed on eBay after I post this.
Hiddenwindow, penny2, & ldrnomo,
There's no lock on it. Do you have demunz in your computer maybe?
You might try using the plain text paste. In Wordpad, click on the [edit] dropdown and select [paste special...]. Try selecting "plain text" and see if it formats correctly.mary stewart-
Well, I'm partly atheist and mostly undecided.
I wouldn't be surprised if a future WT announces that the FDS is now the "greater Jesus" or something.
Thanks Billy and all other commenter's - a more lively discussion than will be heard at any Kingdom Hall ..
According to the blurb on the inside front cover the purpose of this and last weeks article was to emphasise the need for loyalty so we (they) do not succomb to materialism and presumptuousness.. Did the article succeed?
It rambles, uses ill fitting illustrations and IMHO totally fails to get the main point across. That is my objective view of the writing, let alone the value of what they were saying..
Like Billy, I was raised within,I never succeeded as a Pioneer so I never got to Bethel, but I feel that my life was just as wasted as his. Loyalty to that Organisation cost all of dear. We failed to see the difference between blind obedience to the Borg, and loyalty to God..
Why are some then ,by their own admission "succumbing to materialism" . In fact it is not the material things in themselves, but rather that more and more have seen through the myth. Like Danny Kaye's old song, they can see that "The King does not have new clothes" at all, but he is in reality, stark (expletive) naked , with nothing to offer them. So they slow down or stop service , work a little more , have a new car , and the dubs point a finger and say "See, it is materialism! If they still had a clear faith in the promises, they would have stayed Pioneering..
As for the article and discussion of ! Kings 13...Hmmm interesting, but strange. I never did understand this passage and neither, I suspect, did anybody else in the Org.The old man is painted in a bad light and the article says "At one time he may have been a faithful prophet"..The article does not discuss verses 20 onward of the chapter where the old man was inspired by H/S to foretell the younger man's death.. Or that the old man went after him, collected his body from the mankilling lion , brought it home, buried him in the old man's own tomb and stated that when he himself dies, he should lay next to him..
Was that the action of a wicked old man with base motives? .......As Dylan once said "I cannot think for you, you will have to decide"
Anyway, what was the materialism that supposedly led the young man to be "disobedient" and incur Gods wrath? It was only bread and water !
Excellent comments Billy! Bluesbrothers: spot on! I have wasted 15 years in full-time service and being an "old prophet"=elder. What was I thinking during this WT crap study: Reading from my mind: ".....i have to go to the bathroom.......did i pay my electricity bill?..ehm..yes....what else........falling into a deep dream....yeah, baby take that garment off for me, quick, there are other 200 babes waiting to get naked...yeah call me Salmie....the Wild King.....snap...out of the dream...shit i wish i was Salomon...what a great life......wait, lets see...if i connect all the lines on the drop ceiling and cross them diagonally....oh, god..i feel so sick doing is mind boogling....." Finally I´ve heard the relieving: So, brothers that was it. Next week take another shit. (or so i understood him). As for my current life: Ironically, i dropped the ball on the theocratic privileges...have been working my ass off to get promoted...and actually I have been given a Manager Job at my company...THIS WEEK! My wife felt unconfortable with this weeks study lesson for obvious reasons.... During the study she just asked me about my opinion of this study and I answered "Next thing is to get that yellow, convertible Porsche" (they depicted one on this study lesson! Although, I wouldn´t tune it like the one on the picture.. Being modest, I would leave my Porsche plain-vanilla simple! For humble reasons... Another thought, about this article crossed my mind: "F%$# you, Watchtower....I WILL buy that Porsche just for the sake off pissing some elders off"
Excellent comments Billy! Bluesbrothers: spot on! I have wasted 15 years in full-time service and being an "old prophet"=elder. What was I thinking during this WT crap study: Reading from my mind: ".....i have to go to the bathroom.......did i pay my electricity bill?..ehm..yes....what else........falling into a deep dream....yeah, baby take that garment off for me, quick, there are other 200 babes waiting to get naked...yeah call me Salmie....the Wild King.....snap...out of the dream...shit i wish i was Salomon...what a great life......wait, lets see...if i connect all the lines on the drop ceiling and cross them diagonally....oh, god..i feel so sick doing is mind boogling....." Finally I´ve heard the relieving: So, brothers that was it. Next week take another shit. (or so i understood him). As for my current life: Ironically, i dropped the ball on the theocratic privileges...have been working my ass off to get promoted...and actually I have been given a Manager Job at my company...THIS WEEK! My wife felt unconfortable with this weeks study lesson for obvious reasons.... During the study she just asked me about my opinion of this study and I answered "Next thing is to get that yellow, convertible Porsche" (they depicted one on this study lesson! Although, I wouldn´t tune it like the one on the picture.. Being modest, I would leave my Porsche plain-vanilla simple! For humble reasons... Another thought, about this article crossed my mind: "F%$# you, Watchtower....I WILL buy that Porsche just for the sake off pissing some elders off"
I´m sorry, i posted twice...i´m having the same problem again...i USE line breaks, but they don´t show up on the post...also i can´t post any smileys... how do i set this thing up to use html formatting (i checked and unchecked the options box, to no effect....) Sorry folks,