Billy's Comments You Might Hear at the 10-12-08 WT Study (MAINTAIN LOYALTY)

by Billy the Ex-Bethelite 49 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • DoomVoyager
    And my personal smirk was reserved for the WT writer who made that point that the deceitful old prophet was from Bethel.


    Billy, maybe this one hit a nerve with you but you really have to take a look at next weeks. There's a certain group of paragraphs in there which contain such a bold two-faced double timing hypocritical lie that when I first read it, I actually ate my Billy-approved tin foil hat. It left a better taste in my mouth than the study article did. I'll let you find the statement in question for yourself. Happy hunting!

    Lately they've really been churning out the crap. Ever since the Generation change it seems the articles have been getting progressively less Biblical and more "we're the org, you do what we say and never mind about what that rotten old Bible says."

  • crazycate

    Billy that was excellent. I love a well-written rant! And the aluminum foil hat made me laugh out loud.

    This article is very like the drama at the last district assembly I attended. It ended and my husband and I looked at each other and said, "What?" Our reaction was the same as yours: Perhaps the message is "never trust an old prophet!" Ha!


  • Sunnygal41

    Moral of The Story: Never let others make important decisions about your life for you, not even your Mother!

    Billy, I, too, was young when the JW's got hold of me (14).........I should have followed my first instinct and run for the hills, like I had so many times before when they showed up at our door.........I'd yell for my mom and disappear.........but, no, I wanted to make my mom happy, and I thought she knew something I didn't about these people.........I spent the next twenty-five years of MY life, living a lie.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite


    Since the lesson was impossible to correspond with logic, how could anyone give a rational comment?
    One of our "faithful pioneers" commented that the young prophet would have stayed out of trouble if he hadn't stopped to rest and thought about how hungry and thirsty he was. Yep, you guessed it, that was the "faithful pioneer" that is the first to start crying for a break after about 30 minutes of door-to-door. What a hypocrite!


    My pleasure!

    Room 215-

    After listening to Watch Tower Corporation, all dubs are officially on alert to watch out for lions!

    Mickey mouse-

    Ending that Botchtower lesson was like putting a wounded rat out of its misery. Thanks for the A+!


    Like I said, listen to the elders, then do the opposite.
    And I think you might be underestimating the intelligence of most 2nd graders. Many might not have figured it out as quickly as 3rd graders, but I think they could have listened to that and said something like... "that sounds like dog poop smells." But I dunno, I don't have much experience with 2nd or 3rd graders... BECAUSE I NEVER GOT MARRIED AND HAD KIDS BECAUSE THE STUPID, LYING, OLD PROPHET SAID THE END WAS TOO CLOSE FOR MARRIAGE & KIDS !!! LIARS !!!

    Doubting Bro-

    I never saw it, but I hear that Writing Department has a secret backroom with a dartboard. It's marked out with things like "materialism", "obedience to elders", "607 BCE", "no oral sex", "more field service", etc. When they start working on a new Botchtower article, they'll throw a couple of darts and they have to include those things in the lesson. Really, watch for this. They include the most bizarre points in illogical places... just like a game of darts.

    Doomy V-

    Due to financial cutbacks in Beth-hell, they've rerouted the toilets to drain directly into Writing Department. Well, at least it's really fresh crap that the deceitful old prophet from Bethel is serving up!
    I'm looking forward to next weeks craptastic WT lesson. I'd go ahead and look at it now, but I'm afraid my eyes might melt out of the sockets by WT overexposure.


    One of these years, they will have a fictitious drama with the lesson, "If the FDS says, 'Drink the Kool-Aid', you better damn well drink the Kool-Aid, suckers!" I also predict that they'll have an ancient drama character named Jim Bob, and another named Anus.

    Sunny G-

    Likely the most direct application of the Biblical lesson that is a life-and-death matter is the lesson on blood. Any thinking Christian will immediately understand that the Biblical prohibition on eating blood involves a DEAD animal, not a LIVING donor. Also, the Bible provides for the fact that if one is in genuine need, consuming blood is not severely punished. Even the phrase "abstain from blood" in Acts, applies to bloodguilt, not to the idea of "refuse medical treatment or God will destroy you". God values life. Non-blood treatment in many cases is fine, but in life-or-death situations, wouldn't Jesus choose "life" over "blood restrictions", even as he chose "healing" over "sabbath"?

    So, one rationally understands, bleed the meat of animals killed for food, donate or accept blood when needed to preserve the gift of life... However, along comes the FDS riding on their ass, with a message from "the angel of Jehovah" that says something different, an inspired understanding that contradicts logic. Accept or donate blood and you deserve to be shunned because God will destroy you forever. They give you a scrap of paper to sign. Most likely it won't be an issue for you. But for some, they or their children are in an accident, refuse blood, and die. Thanks old prophet!

    At least in the Bible story, the old prophet provided a burial for his victim. The FDS leaves their victim flatlined on the operating table.

    I dunno, was that application a little too harsh to direct at Watch Tower Corporation?

  • halcyon

    I'm surprised you had no comment on this sentence (I wish I knew how to put things in a quote box here):

    <br><br>-- We need to be absolutely convinced of the rightfulness of Jehovah's requirements.--

    <br><br><br>So if we truly NEED to be <i>absolutely convinced</i>, why aren't we allowed to examine ALL sources, inside and outside, to be convinced? Is it because upon examination of some sources, we would become <i>less</i> convinced than if we just buried our heads in the sand of WT publications?

    <br><br>Doesn't work that way in any other field of study ....

  • Amha·’aret

    At the meeting I was at there was some very odd comments (i'm using the word "odd" in a relative sense!).

    One brother said that perhaps Jehovah put the lion there to warn the young prophet not to go home that way. He felt that Jehovah hadn't caused the young chap's death. (I'm guessing that's what keeps this bro going is changing things so he's not worshipping a god who can instantly forget a lifetime of faithful service due to bring tricked in to a single mistake.) The thing is the account said that the body of the prophet wasn't mauled and the donkey was unhurt. Either human flesh doesn't taste too good or this lion was behaving strangely because of divine manipulation, like what happened to Daniel.

    I was tempted to raise my hand and say that if the young guy had just taken God-appointed Jeraboam's goodies then the other things would never have happened to him!

  • aligot ripounsous
    aligot ripounsous


    • A brother insisted that Jehovah had something to do with the lion killing the young prophet, regardless of what the paragraph said.

    The WTS has no doubt that Jehovah had something to do with the lion killing the young prophet. § 10 reads : "Jehovah was not pleased. When the deceived prophet finally got on his way back to Judah, a lion found him and killed him".

    Still, the elder who conducted the study didn't seem to see the point. In good faith, he quoted a WT article back from 1962 where the society was holding the opposite view.

  • stillajwexelder

    Loved it thanks

  • blondie

    The Insight volume (1988) says this:

    *** it-2 p. 256 Lion ***Jehovah used lions to execute his judgment on a prophet who had disobeyed him (1Ki 13:24-28)
  • truthseeker

    Ha Ha,

    I like this:

    Q. 6. What "gifts" might be offered to us, and what will help us to decide whether to accept them?

    6 For example, our employer may offer us a promotion with better pay and other benefits. Or perhaps we realize that we can obtain greater financial rewards if we move to another country or region to find employment. At first, such opportunities might seem to be a blessing from Jehovah. But before we act on them, should we not examine our motives? Our primary concern should be, "How will my decision affect my relationship with Jehovah?"

    I was told by an elder that Jehovah is blessing the elders in our congregation because they all have nice houses and cars. Seriously!

    Bet the elders in developing lands would love to hear that.

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