You can learn more about life from a Willie Nelson song than you can living 10 hard years. But, Kenny Chesney is skeeter's new throb.
OK any Country Music fans out there?
by zagor 29 Replies latest jw friends
keyser soze
As country goes, I don't think it gets better than this one:
momzcrazy Chris may be more well known in the West, where I was raised. He was an all around rodeo champ and cowboy poet. He was a true cowboy until he died.
I have been listening to country music as far back as my memory goes. Before we got TV in the Texas Panhandle I could actually tune in The Grand Ole Opery on Saturday night although the radio had to be tuned just so but pre teens have good steady nerves.
Thanks to Zagor for starting this thread and thanks for all for contributing videos and comments. This IMO, is the best thread ever. Bug
Low-Key Lysmith
Some say that when you play heavy metal songs backwards, satanic messages can be heard.
What happens if you play country music backwards?
He gets his dog back, he gets his wife back, he gets his truck back........
And the beer's not flat!
Momz...Chris's story is an amazing one...even up to the day he died. Garth Brooks wanted to donate a kidney to him.
I can't believe I forgot this classic artist...way under-rated
and then there's this guy...
Not a huge fan of the genre, but I do like particular songs:
"Beaches of Cheyenne" (the saddest song EVER)
"Check Yes or No"
"I Love This Bar"
"Its Five O'Clock Somewhere"
"Independence Day" -
Marty Robbins. My husband sang this to me all the time when we were dating. El Paso.
Wynnona Judd...
My favorite is "Only Love" but the video stinks on youtube. So here is another great song.