So How Active An Opponent Are You Really?

by Englishman 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    If you are an ex-JW, how do you rate yourself as a JW opponent?

    Are you totally live and let live? Maybe happy to chat to someone who has doubts? Or are you a full-blown anti, the sort who would picket assemblies?

    I rate my self as a pro-active opposer of JW teachings, I will pursue any opportunity that may arise to disparage their beliefs, although I will refrain from actually creating those opportunities, ie picketing assemblies.

    Mind you, I missed a golden opportunity yesterday. I was walking through town with Her Ladyship when some be-suited chappie thrust a WT in front of her. Like a shot, HL said no thank-you and snootily walked on with me chuntering along behind. What I should have done would have been to ask him how he felt about the UN debacle and spread a little more alarm and despondency. After all, he would surely have queried the UN thing with others and upset them too. Damn!

    Still it's coming up to Christmas, no doubt my Dub-in-the-pub will reappear to quietly partake in the celebrations as usual, so maybe I will have some fun with him re the UN. Oh yes, I may even introduce Philo to him but that will be another story..

    Back to the topic, how would you rate yourself as a pro-active dub opponent?


    Nostalgia isn't what it used to be....

  • ozziepost

    Where do we vote?


    "It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."

  • Frenchy

    I sort of like the 'honey' method of catching flies.

  • Free2Bme

    Good question...and it made me stop and think. I am held back from being more active because my mum is a JW going through major doubts and realisations and she has asked me to 'keep my head down' while she decides what to do. You can imagine the outrage if it became common knowledge I was an 'apostate' !!!!!
    So if I had the freedom to go for it and make waves would I?
    Half of me murmers 'no they stole my childhood' they raped my teens' they abused my early adulthood...why should they keep on ruining my life'.
    On the other hand..
    I'd like to start a campaign the elders in my area would never forget and try and open the eyes of just a few of those bleating sheep.
    When the day arrives my mum relaxes her restrictions I hope she will join me in the latter course. But until the label 'apostate' ceases to be worse than rapist, murderer or even paedophile in JW eyes I just can't see my mum daring to 'come out'.
    I can't blame her. After 10 years disfellowshipped I still cringe at the word. That's how much fear they instilled in me.


  • Farkel


    I would never picket assemblies, but placing a small thermonuclear device on the fourth floor of Bethel in the GB meeting room is not out of the question!


    "I didn't mean what I meant."

  • Simon

    I'm all for being a thorn in their side as you can probably tell

  • Inquiry

    Hey Englishman, all...

    Good topic... I've been out for over 4 years now and I think opposer might not term exactly what I do in the "worldly" sense although it is most certainly what I am classed as by most JWs...
    If I oppose, I do it with the life that I lead, unencumbered by the rules and regulations and control tactics the WT uses, I am free, those that I know who are still inside know very well that I am free... As for activity, I do regularily inform area doctors of changes in the blood doctrine. It was that issue after all that broke my bonds with the WT, and I continue to answer questions that JWs who do keep in touch with me might be surprised to know that several do. Most that do keep in touch have doubts but are fearful of the reprisals of acting on those doubts... I understand the fear and the fragile condition many of these people are in, so I try to comfort them and help them to understand the sources of those doubts...
    As for beating the WT down, I think the org itself does an excellent job of that all on it's own... I believe that if we give them enough rope, they will eventually hang themselves.... though I do believe that people who are reaching for an unattainable perfection and security will continue to use organizations like the WT. It is the WT's credibility that will suffer, and I believe the WT will continue it's downward spiral... but will likely continue to exist as an organization in the foreseeable future.
    This and other sites and those that participate on them are very good at outing the contradictions and lies of the WT and this has resulted in so many becoming informed. That was the ticket to my freedom, as it has been for most here... I beleive it will continue to work...

    Keep up the good work :smile:

  • Cygnus

    I oppose people who oppose the Watchtower with fanaticism.

    This includes exaggerated sensationalism, fundies who think they know Greek and vilify the NWT, and people who think the Watchtower is pure evil.

    I have for quite some time maintained that I agree with the Watchtower on only four matters of interest:

    1) You should not murder

    2) You should not steal

    3) there is no three-headed god

    4) when you die, you are dead

    Everything else the WT teaches is foreign to my ideology.

    However, that doesn't mean I feel compelled to "oppose" the organization. In fact, I am a proponent of the Watchtower's right to free speech and free practice of their religion. Just as I have no issues with Catholics and their anti-abortion stance. Just because I am not an anti-abortionist doesn't mean that I oppose Catholicism.

    Sure, I grew up as a Jehovah-Kid and didn't quit the silliness until I was 25. Sure, I got DF'd last year for associating with a DF'd person. Sure, JWism sucks and it's a pitiful way of life. But if people want to be JWs, then all the power to them. In fact, I get more pissed at people who try to FORCE JWs out of their chosen way of life. That's why I have never attempted to persuade my wife to quit the JWs.

    It seems to me that very many anti-JW evangelists are worse than the JWs themselves when it comes to proselytizing their particular viewpoint.

  • teejay

    Well said, Cyg. I agree with nearly your every word.


    For the most part I ignore them.But if they get in my face or mess with my kids I`ll tear a stip off them,and I grind them until they wish they`d never seen me!People who support an organization that wants me dead are not my friends...OUTLAW


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