I would never picket assemblies, but placing a small thermonuclear device on the fourth floor of Bethel in the GB meeting room is not out of the question!You are a reckless one indeed, for making a statement like this in view of the events of late. Are you sure that you don’t want to go back and edit that remark. As you should know, the FBI takes such threats as though they were actual threats, no matter if a person claims not to have been serious about what they've said. Remember the college student that sent someone a prank letter with some sort of powder enclosed inside the envelope? It didn’t do him a bit of good to say he was just having fun. Likewise, your winking smilie won’t carry any weight with the FBI either. I hear that their bread and water at jail ain’t all that bad, that is, if you can stand the smell of the guy’s flatulence in the cell next to you while you’re trying to eat it.Farkel
So when you have a man with very little fear [not 0% fear, but “very little”] of you and you get him angry and he's a little inteligent [not REAL intelligent, but just a “little”] you got trouble….Gee, I’m glad you only have a “little” fear of the GB … rather than having NO fear at all. LOL!!!
Same thing with your being “inteligent” (actually Wiltshire meant intelligent) … I’m sure glad that you’re not busting out all over with intelligence. LOL!!!
Daniel 11:35 ... a KEY prophecy that must be fulfilled before the "time of the end" gets underway.