Fanatic's of any kind, are repulsive to me, no matter what their cause!
by Englishman 28 Replies latest jw friends
Fanatic's of any kind, are repulsive to me, no matter what their cause!
I am carrying a few xeroxed copies of the three Guardian articles and the Tablet article by Stephen Bates. I've reduced them so that they fit on both sides of a single sheet of paper. I'm not going out of my way to distribute them, but they're there, ready to give to JWs should they come to the door or offer me magazines while out shopping. The plan, like you suggested, is to ask them about the UN thing and, after the discussion gets going, to give them a copy, emphasizing that this is all material taken directly from newspapers. Of course, the odds are small that they will read it, but, you never know.
I am opposed to the majority of teachings that originate with the GB: the Blood issue being a fine example. I detest the mind control that they use with the general rank and file. Those in the GB are power freaks with no thought of the the individuals desperately trying to follow their rules from day to day.
I am not opposed to the individual Jehovah's Witnesses. I try to remember how I felt when someone in the congregation drifted away or was DA /DF. I was scared to talk to them. I would like to bet that most JW's feel the same way. I strongly believe that most (not all) JWs are sincere people who are trying to lead good lives. Unfortunately they are so under the mind control of the GB that they will follow irrational guidelines, purely because they are scared to do otherwise.
However I am not letting their rules govern my life, or my daughter's life. To the extent that I am taking my (ex) husband to court to prevent him taking our daughter to meetings or involving her in any JW activity.
On the occasion when a JW calls at my door I ask them questions that might start THEM thinking about what they are preaching. I take literature from them because it helps me keep uptodate with the GBs thinking. I am never rude or abusive to JW's.
You never know - the JWs calling at your door today, might be posting on this board this time next year!! Well it happened to us didn't it?
I'm a DEATH to the WT OrGaNiZaTiOn TyPe of gUy.
If I feel I can do damage to this Cult I will 98% likely do it.
I have morals, but not unbreakable when it comes to Exsposing a Horrible LIAR.
I'm a beleiver in Relative application of moral laws when it comes to dealing with a "Evil One".
So if THE WatchTower is reading this all I can say is: "You took 29 years of my time for you own twisted SHIT. So expect some shit back from me in return.
I'm sure the 2 different Committees who DF'd me could tell you I'm not afraid of you in the least. So when you have a man with very little fear of you and you get him angry and he's a little inteligent you got trouble, trouble that is hard to keep an eye on, and just when you are least likely to expect it wammo.
If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?
Opponent?, active? active? Sounds like the WTS in reverse! But I think you have to pick your fights carefully and make some big hits...the UN-NGO is a good example and made some telling points. I'm not into picketing etc. But I have little/no confidence in the WTS in their abilities to do much about anything. You just to have watch them for long enough and the cracks and weaknesses show.
The thing is that JW's think that if you are DF'd, you are either:
(a) Trying to prove what a nice guy that you are really, or:
(b) A devil worshipper who's body is inhabited by deeminz.
Using their own tactics - Hey what you associating with JW's for when they are associating with scarlet women - throws 'em totally off balance. Take the moral highground with a dub and they fold totally 'cos they just cain't handle it!
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be....
: People who support an organization that wants me dead are not my friends...
Of course they want you dead, but they LOVE you!
Serving Jehovah by Saying it Like it is
"I didn't mean what I meant."
I think most XJWs don't do anything so far as opposing the WTS is concerned. Obed of my knowledge simply wanted to concentrate on his life/family etc. Thats cool and is to be respected. Waging war on the WTS...isn't much a priority!Considering the 100s of 1000s that have left....there are only a small % that even post here.
Any that do not want to be an 'active', proactive etc. opponent need not think they should be!
Any that do not want to be an 'active', proactive etc. opponent need not think they should be!
Indeed. No-one wants to feel that they SHOULD do anything.
Now, the fun really starts when you realise that, Hmm! I COULD wind one in here. Yes, I'm going to do it!
Englishman (non-inciting, ha ha!)
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be....
I don't generally go out of my way to actively oppose the WTBTS. If someone is a Witness and chooses to remain as a Witness, I feel that that is their right. However, I try not to pass up any opportunities to give an "anti-Witness" so that someone who may simply be considering joining might have second thoughts and begin to do some research. So far, several people have reconsidered joining...and for that I am most grateful. If I can help someone avoid the pain I had to endure as a Witness, I will do so.