I have a talk tonight. Anyone else still giving talks or parts?
by BonaFide 44 Replies latest jw friends
I have a talk tonight. Anyone else still giving talks or parts?
was a MS, even used to give public talks....
now... I do not do even the #2 talk... nor do I comment
Not me!
My last talk was the Memorial this year.
Haven't been in the KH for months.
Life is good!! :)
Are you kiddin? If I would set foot in a KH my apostate ass would be on the curb in a few seconds...
Ain't goin back, no way...
I get to be a co-worker on a park bench next Tuesday in the astrology bit!
#3 Talk
Student Sister Elderette Pioneer / Assistant Sister Demon Possesed Yknot
Source: What Is the Scriptural View of Astrology? (rs p. 144 ¶2-p. 145 ¶2)
Speech Quality
#5 Appropriate Pausing (pg.97)
-Pause to Punctuate
-Pause for Change of Thought
-Pause for Emphasis
-Pause When Circumstances Require It
-Pause to Allow for Response
Setting: #19 - Sharing your belief with a workmate or schoolmate
Timing: Ends 8:13
The first half of 2006, I was an elder looking to bide my time on a fade.
We travelled with JW's that summer, and I saw no further reason to
do a SLOW fade, so I picked up speed. I was giving public talks and
other meeting parts up until I resigned that Summer as an elder.
Since then, no school parts, no assignments whatsoever, no
microphone handling, no appearance for field circus meetings, continued
cutting back on meetings and stopped altogether after the Memorial of
I understand the slow fade. I understand using timing to get out a
"responsibility" but I don't think I could ever maintain a long-term faking
of it. I don't know how people continue to be elders. The TMS- that's only
a 5 minute talk every so often. I guess that's not so bad. Still, not for me.
BonaFide, this was one of the things that made me realize, I could not do this anymore. For one thing it sacrifices a lot of time, just preparing the talk, even harder when your heart is not in it. I was always afraid I would say the wrong thing because I was so checked out for so long that I wasn't up on every new thought or games of semantics. Then it got to be a lot of topics that I just could not look myself in the mirror and talk about. What, am I going to talk about field service or doctrinal issues that I don't even buy myself? I can't "sell" it to anyone else including my kids. So there were many illnesses and work emergencies that seemed to happen on talk nights. Then there was that day in May when I said to myself, I will never set foot in here again. So no I guess I don't give talks anymore. And another thing, I think it is a slap in the face to men that unless you are an elder or ms you can only deliver a bible reading ( at least that is how it was at our hall). Little nine year old girls would give #4 talks, but never a non appointed man. Just bugged me.
Setting: #19 - Sharing your belief with a workmate or schoolmate
I enjoyed those talks the most. So realistic. It always turned out exactly that way when applied in real life.
I am one of very few who graduated from the kingdum ministry school. Seems like once I wrote WT and proved them to be liars to my elder body, they were afraid I may speak up from the platform, so graduated me.....as in stopped giving me any assignments.....ahhh....i missed them like an absessed tooth...............oompa