Fine job Sacolton.
How many here still giving talks at the meetings?
by BonaFide 44 Replies latest jw friends
Open mind
If I can spin it to be fairly innocuous, I give it.
If it requires a 100% company man, something will come up that prevents me from giving it. (Usually my dinner.)
Doubting Bro
I got left off the school for over a year and a half after "stepping aside" as an elder. Now, I probably give about 4 a year. I am a gutless piece of garbage for not just leaving. The only positive thing I can say is that I always try to introduce a non-JW thought. I know its not much, but it makes me feel a little better. I NEVER comment. I actually quit commenting about 6 months before resigning as an elder.
I made the mistake one time, a long time ago of giving an impromptu talk when someone didn't show up. Stupid me. After that, anytime they needed someone to give a last minute talk, I got asked...and being the good little dubbie, you never, ever say no.
So when I became inactive, I not only wasn't there to be volunteered for last minute talks, I started missing my own assigned talks. It wasn't long before they took my name off the list because I couldn't be counted on to be there....
I was fairly lucky in my fade...when I quit going, I pretty much quit within a few month period. I quit field service cold turkey. Just decided I wasn't doing it anymore. Then I quit book studies. I stopped commenting at the WT study. Then I started leaving at the middle song of the other meetings when I did bother to show up. Then just didn't show up anymore. I received 2 or 3 sheparding calls, one of which ended badly with an elder asked, no...told, to leave my home. I think it was that act of rebelliousness that sparked some kind of fear of them ever trying to reach out to me after that. However, with this new WT out on helping inactive ones, I've noticed an increase in an interest in me again. I may have to kick another elder out again to remind them of who not to f**k with.
got one in two weeks...(sniff, sniff) was that a cold coming on?
Funny that you should bring this up. I am recently starting to struggle with this. As I begin to feel more and more like I do not agree with some teaching, it is getting harder to write the talks. I have canceled a bunch so far. If the talk is about something that is pretty generic, I will do it. Otherwise, "something comes up"
Wow Oompa, did you get a Certificate of Graduation???? That must be worth a fortune!!!!
Wow Oompa, did you get a Certificate of Graduation???? That must be worth a fortune!!!!
Don'tforget to put that on your resume'.
I still do. I am an elder. Go figure.
I am trying to figure out a way out.
Is it possible to distract someone while they are giving a talk? You know, like wink at them constantly and make them mess up?