Causing disruption in the Congregation..If you don`t agree with something..Keep your mouth shut,or you can be D/F..........................OUTLAW
How many things can a JW get disfellowshipped for?
by digderidoo 22 Replies latest jw friends
I had one, and I guess this would be it: even being contemptuous in a judicial meeting where no other sin can be proven
no more kool aid
If they want to DF you they will find a reason.
What a great list! I was going to say 130. That's the number of articles of faith listed in the back of the "Organized to Accomplish Our Ministry" book. I don't have the newer, "Organized to do Jehovah's Will" handy, sorry. But the list is nearly identical. The newer edition includes hygiene, so that candidates with a carless case of HIV could be denied baptism:
Part 2 Q 9 To avoid transmitting an infectious or a potentially fatal disease to others, why should an infected person (a) not initiate public displays of affection such as hugging and kissing? (b) attend the Congregation Book Study at the Kingdom Hall if at all possible? (c) not react negatively when some choose not to invite them in to their homes? (d) Why should a person who may have been exposed to an infectious disease voluntarily choose to have a blood test before beginning a courtship? (e) Why should one having a communicable disease inform the presiding overseer before getting baptized?
I figure, if these are all the articles of faith that a new believer must accept, it follows that they can be disfellowshipped for breaking any of them.
What a contrast to Acts 8:32-39.
One that has not been listed is merely pointing out where the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger is wrong. For instance, they recently changed "the sower" from Jesus (which is in fact the correct answer and can be proven because the Bible comes right out and says it) to the individual publisher. Even if you can prove them wrong right out of the Bible, you are supposed to believe and teach the errant viewpoint until they correct it. Otherwise, you are committing "apostasy".
It was listed that oral and anal sex or mutual masturbation between persons not married to each other also now includes people who are now married. I remember this in one WT lesson and I made a comment in a car group about the artivcle saying "did you notice one thing about that paragraph?" It did not have any scriptural references. It bothered me greatly that the society was giving direction without any scriptural support and you could actually get D/F'd for this.
What about attending a wedding in a different faith?
Wow, false worship includes: "following mourning customs that involve false worship - w85 4/15 p.25"
Does that mean they can't attend a funeral? Or I guess it is the same as a marriage (which I think answers your questions, Sacolton) they can attend the funeral or wedding if it does not take place in a church?
I agree with JGnat, it is a great list... or at least it's great to actually see it. -
Tired of the Hypocrisy
More reasons than the Bible states. The 7 deadlies for instance.
I've attended both weddings and funerals of another faith. Almost all my extended family is Catholic and I go along to attend their memorable occasions. Never been pulled up in any way for doing so.