Snakes..You do collections?..You try to act Crazy?.........Dude,I`ve done that job..Had my own business..You do not act Crazy!!..You are Polite!!..Walk over to that Dudes house..And..Tell him,you mean him no harm!!.....That will end your problems!.................OUTLAW
I am scared for my life. Problems with punks.
by SnakesInTheTower 127 Replies latest jw friends
AK - Jeff
Move. Just move. I know the rent is helping you with school, but if you are dead the rent won't matter.
Move into the Y or find a friend to take you in until you finish school.
Don't risk violence. It seems like you are just about to cross that threshhold.
Country Girl
Go to the following web site, you might get some good ideas on how to deal with this menace:
Good luck.
I don't think anyone has suggested a banishment spell. What the hell? It might work.
One time I knew people were going into my desk after I left work. Things would be moved around. I put a voodoo doll in my drawer...and the objects quit moving around. weird.
My neighborhood borders the ghetto and is in danger of becoming ghettofied
This says it all. My advise would be:
Even if you buy a gun and this asswipe leaves you alone (for now), you have no idea of what he's going to try and pull somewhere down the line. My sister used to live in a really bad neighbourhood that was, as you say, "becoming ghettofied". You can fix it or change that on your own----you need to move to a better neighbourhood, even if it means paying more rent.
Be careful, Snakes. I remember a high-end neighborhood that was bullied and threatened by an equally high-end neighbor. It eventually ended with one of the neighbors shooting and killing him and the shooter being put on trial for murder. They too had exhausted all the legal means to protect themselves. There is no simple answer.
Lots of good advice here, Snakes. I have to agree with Dawg though. GET A GUN!!! If your area doesn't have permits to carry concealed then get one for your home.
If someone lays their hands on you then IT'S ON!!!!!!!!!!!! And there are many things that make wonderful weapons bottles...bats.....wasp spray......brooms......tazers...pepper spray.......
And remember these words when the idiot is laying at your feet in a bloody heap......"I WAS IN FEAR OF MY LIFE"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And that's exactly what you say to law enforcement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gotta stand up to bullies!!!!!!!! DEFEND YOURSELF!!!!! I bet once this idiot feels his teeth rolling around in his mouth he'll figure it out!!!!!
I know you believe he'll hurt you. Well it sounds like he will try either way so might as well make him hurt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In my line of work I have to make them believe that I am crazier than they are.
Normally I would be in the 'get a gun' crowd. This is the last fool who should have a gun. Move and while you're at it, learn about life and how to deal with people would be my suggestion.
Mandette're right actually.......if you aren't prepared to use a gun then you shouldn't have one........
so I'll recant on the gun thing.....however there are plenty of ways to defend yourself....but you have to have the mindset to do it.......
I personally do. There's no way I'll be a sheep. I'm more the sheepdog type!!!!!!!!!!
I will fight to the death someone that tries to hurt me or mine........
So Snakes??? MOVE!!!
Moving might be the best. A guy like that may have grown up w violence. He may have killed people. He may have done some prison time, been in a few melees. He may be using coke or crack. He knows nothing else, and will be impervious to any good coming from you. Any good nature may be seen as weakness. Leave your house to the encroaching jungle.