I am scared for my life. Problems with punks.

by SnakesInTheTower 127 Replies latest jw friends

  • SnakesInTheTower


    You guys obviously have missed the answer ... Contact your nearest Kingdom Hall and tell them your neighbor is very interested in a Home Bible Study and he would love to start receiving magazines too. That'll scare your neighbor off. A neighborhood that is overrun by Witnesses ... total nightmare!

    If I didnt worry about my former JW friends personal safety...I would do that in a heartbeat for fun. For a living I am a bill collector. I used to be a skip tracer. I think maybe it is time to put those skill sets to use. I may not be able to hurt these people physically, but I wonder how much trouble I can cause them? Snakes ()

  • Satanus

    You could try the looking straight ahead method. And, along w that, since you would like to avoid him, ignore him totally. Keep your focus. No challenge from you in any way, and he has nothing to fight.


  • SnakesInTheTower


    You could try the looking straight ahead method. And, along w that, since you would like to avoid him, ignore him totally. Keep your focus. No challenge from you in any way, and he has nothing to fight.

    cheapest method of course. still have to get the fence because unfortunately when I walk out my door, and turn right (the only way to my driveway), I have to look at his house..hell, this guy is so nuts that if i even poke my head out the door (or sit on my porch, which i refuse to let him bully me off of), he goes ballistic.

    I am investigating other apartment options in the area for now... but its not looking promising..things in my price range are not much better as far as neighborhoods...I know where my problem is here...

    Snakes ()

  • Anti-Christ
    For a living I am a bill collector. I used to be a skip tracer. I think maybe it is time to put those skill sets to use. I may not be able to hurt these people physically, but I wonder how much trouble I can cause them?

    That sounds like a good idea. If I can give you some advice. Restraining order sounds good and a weapon. I also suggest you get some training in martial arts. Bjj (brazilian jiu-jitsu) is good and some form of military combat is very affective. You might never use it on him (hopefully) but it is always good to know how to defend yourself. I am 5'9 and 137p but I can kill someone with my bare hands. I do Bjj, Shotokan karate and have a little bit of military hand to hand combat knowledge. It helps a lot with self confidence. Bullies suck.

  • Mightyone

    How about a tazer. 400,000 volts will stop him dead, a few plastic thick zip ties and you will have him neutralized even at close range. Next time he backs you against the car or "gets in your face" a tazer to the pe&ker will put him on the ground. Once he is down, zip tie him (keep tazer handy in case he comes to) and call the cops--don't lay a hand on him, he threatened you and he is on your property, he goes away. The only problem is if he is really into drugs, he sends others after you. You can survey the situation to know how connected he is.

  • oompa

    a glass mason jar of gas or kerosene with a lighted rag in the top of it and thrown through there window is way cheaper than a tazer....never hurt anyone of course....just do it when they are gone.....insurance will take care of the home....and they will of course move on...........ahhhh justice..........oompa


    Screw drivers are cheap..A screw driver in the eye and straight to the back of the head would probably quieten him down a lot..The throat and ears are a soft spot also.....Never pull out a weapon and wave it around..When you pull it out,get the job done..Now!..One smooth movement...................Clint Eastwood...OUTLAW

  • Mightyone

    OOMPA----Have you seen the price of Kero lately...A tazer is definately cheaper and no criminal charges as long as he is in your area, on your property...Additionally, Snakes, your landlord is partially responsible to see to your safety. I would push for the fence.


  • Hortensia

    time to have a come to jesus meeting with your landlord - tell him you love him as a landlord, but the neighborhood is too dangerous. Does he have another, safer, property? Would he rent it to you at the same rate for less than a year? You aren't safe - this will only escalate. You take the $600.00 and go find a room to rent somewhere near your school. Living in someone else's house for less than a year is a lot better than being killed or maimed by your crazy neighbor. Please move.

  • Hortensia

    the thing about people like this is that they have nothing to lose. So if he has bad credit, he doesn't care. If he gets arrested, he doesn't care. He probably has illegal weapons, too. whatever you do, don't get a gun, just leave.

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