... they hem and haw and tell you they're busy and can't help you. That's no friend!
In your scenario, they are no friend. I said I would be able to help you and keep
you company. Min, I never met you and my wife is still an active JW, so I cannot
put you up in my home. I did not say "I'm busy and can't help you."
We are dividing semantics here. There is a line that separates what some friends
are able to do for you. Some are able to do more than others. Also, you show up
at the airport at 3 AM without a hotel reservation and without telling me you were
coming- I might return the respect you showed me by saying I can't help. But you
arrive and hop into your rental car to go to your hotel and you get lost, then you call me
because I live in the area- well, I will do my best to help you out, knowing you were well-
intentioned but got stranded. I will do what I can, including coming to you and helping
you find your way. Don't define me as "no friend" because you asked too much of me.
A petite frail elderly woman ain't going to hop in her car and meet you in a rough
neighborhood because you are lost at 3 AM. A father of 4 ain't going to loan you $300
because you lost your rent money at the track. Every friend has his limits. But a real
friend will do what they can. Maybe the elderly woman will look up your location on
Mapquest. Maybe the father of 4 will steer you to Gamblers Anonymous.
"Stranded" means different things to different people, and some friends are able to do
more than others. If your car is broke down, why didn't you call the friend who is close
by to pick you up? Why didn't you call the rental car agency who knows how to help
you instead of me, who knows little about cars? If you are in jail for beating your wife,
why would you expect a friend to use his mortgage money to bail you out? Why not
call a bondman instead? Your friend might not want to take sides between you and your
wife, and you don't want him to lose his home. You might need to stay with him when
your wife changes the locks.
My point- there are levels of friendship. There are people who take advantage of friends.
There are things beyond a friend's ability and sometimes tough love means not helping.
I tried to keep the tone light enough for your questions, but you get on my nerves.
Friends do that.