Why Do JWs Believe They Have The "Truth" When Their View Keeps Changing?

by minimus 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Samuel Thorsen
    Samuel Thorsen

    Present truth

  • stillajwexelder

    I don't get it.

    Can anyone explain it to me?

    Well minimus it is all down to a guy called De Broglie - and Einstein comes into the picture too. Basically light can behave as a wave and also in discreet particles called photons. This leads to the Dual nature of light theory. Since E= MC^2 and E =hf where h is Planks constant, it can be proved as it shows mass, velocity and wavelength can be related mathematically.

    So when you have old light as emanating from the Faithful and DISCREET slave (remember photons are discreet particles)this light has a dual nature and is really new light - but only if the light radiates from this faithful and DISCREET slave

  • WTWizard

    They think they are progressive when in fact they usually end up just going in circles. And they are involved in dead works to the extent that they have no time to think.

  • mary stewart
    mary stewart

    if i'm wrong on thi please help me, but i think it's based on how science works n that. the FACTS (truth) never changes, only how it's interpeted. the so-called 'noo lite' is not a truth, just their interpretation. but the flip-flops aren't how SCIENCE works. never go back to a failed idea on somethig. i'm NOT defending the dubs. just clarifying. on a similar note, the dube believe the would leaders ae the 'highter powers' ut from the scripture and applying it tothe dubs, seems go is the REAL higher power and the elder n gb ae the 'other powers'or to the rcc, the pope and priests are the 'other powers' or maybe the pop is the 'higherpower' sorry for digressing a bit. basically, their idea might be sound, but reusing 'old lite' is wrong. they need REAL interpretation and just hone it occasionally. btw, the bible neer mentions 'god's org' wonder what proof scriptures the gb uses?

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