Latest United Nations-End of Religion-End of World alert

by Questions1 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Atlantis

    This has been a "hoax" passed around by JW's for years!

    Would Effectively Ban Religion

    Alert: Listeners and Readers: The UN was contacted and they say this is a HOAX!

    A draft resolution which aims to secure global peace and stability at the expense of organized religion is today being submitted to the United Nations in New York.

    NEW YORK, NY (PRWEB) January 27, 2004 -- A draft resolution which aims to secure global peace and stability at the expense of organized religion is today being submitted to the United Nations in New York.
    The resolution is being proposed by Antony Last, founder of , a site which claims that freedom FROM religion would be of far greater benefit to mankind than freedom OF religion.

    Freedom from Religion | Proposed UN Resolution / Charter Amendment | Version 1.1


    * to save succeeding generations from the scourge of organized religion, a folly which has brought untold sorrow to mankind through the division, hatred and conflict it engenders, and

    * to reaffirm an individual's right to freedom of belief, freedom of conscience and freedom of prayer, and

    * to establish conditions under which these freedoms can be privately exercised.


    1. To outlaw, with immediate effect, the public _expression of religious beliefs, including the use of symbols, clothing or markings which are synonymous with any currently or previously existing religions.

    2. To outlaw, with immediate effect, public acts of worship or religious declaration.

    3. To outlaw, with immediate effect, private gatherings of three or more people for the purposes of engaging in acts of worship or religious services.

    4. To outlaw, with immediate effect, the publication of books, literature or articles which seek to promote religious beliefs or encourage adherence to religious doctrine.

    5. To outlaw, after a period of amnesty, the personal ownership of books or materials which seek to promote religious beliefs or encourage adherence to religious doctrine. (Books of academic or social interest will be made freely available to schools, universities and public libraries).

    6. To outlaw, with immediate effect, the celebration of religiously significant dates.

    7. To begin, with immediate effect, the destruction or reassignment of predominantly religious buildings, such as churches, mosques and temples.

    For further information, see: (now unavailable the last I checked)

    United Nations Contact Information

    Office of the Spokesman for the Secretary-General
    United Nations, S-378
    New York, NY 10017

    Press/media inquiries only
    Tel. 212-963-7162
    Fax. 212-963-7055

    All other inquiries to be addressed to (212) 963-4475 or [email protected]


  • Hikaru

    That one's not the same as this one though.

  • sir82

    You're still here?!?!

    OMG! Get under your bed NOW! The bad guys are coming!

  • asilentone

    at Hikaru, you are right, but this one is another hoax too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    They were stunned. They asked him: How do you know that is what we have planned?

    Were they winking, and saying it in a jovial tone? I believe that's called sarcasm.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Hikara , I am sorry this is stressing you out .

    Take some advice from someone old enough to be your mother ......Your young go ENJOY your life !Stop reading rubbish that upsets you on the internet .

    Worry will do nothing, but rob you of precious time and wonderful opportunities .

    When my son was little he was terrified by thunderstorms .He thought for sure each one was the one that would kill us all . Every time I would console him and tell him "everything will be OKay" ...He would ask "But mommy how can you be so sure?"... I would tell him 'because son I have lived through many many thunderstorms, and I am still here , and one day you will live through enough to realize you will be okay too .'

    Hikara you are going to hear many scary stories ESP .if you are any way connected to JW's . Over the years you will also see for yourself ,overtime that none are true ,and that you will live your life to the full .

    I was raised a JW and wasted almost forty years being in constant fear of what lay ahead .

    I worried about every move I made as to whether I was pleasing Jehovah ,because displeasing him meant death .As a child I was told stories of how I would never have to go to school because the Great war of Jehovah would be here before I was old enough . Then I was told the end is sooo close don't take college classes because the end will be here before you graduate high school . I married at 18 because I was to afraid to wait to long. I was told not to work fulltime because the end was near and we needed to be out warning people not building secure futures for ourselves . When I was pregnant with my third child I attended an assembly were we sat through a public talk "Responsilbe Child Rearing In the Time Of The End ", that basically made you feel totally IRResponsible for having babies so close the the END ! By the way that baby is now 21 !!!

    Once i had seen enough and especially when I saw my children being led down the same path of guilt , fear and false alarms I woke up and quit wasting my time worrying about silly matters I had no control over .

    PLEASE DO NOT WASTE your youth doing the sam thing I did !!!!

  • Questions1

    Hey folks, I posted that little article, which was sent to me by a burned out JW. I'm a reporter, raised in the organization, baptized and now inactive for over 10 years. Mentally free is what I tell my friends. Anyway, the post is just that, a post of an E-mail that a JW sent me, and is an example of the JW grapevine that's been active since the a few guys in the 1800s decided to to take the over and under on when the end of the world would begin. I'm glad some folks who've been around the block inside the organization were able to tell me that this is just another mutation of an old story. Personally, I didn't get -- JW-nervous -- about the deal, and actually thought folks should know and maybe find a way to debunk this. It's amazing how much untruth revolves around the "Truth". As for the young lady who seems to be a little disturbed about the story (she could be pulling all of our legs) I'm curious if she was raised in the organization because that would explain a lot of her reactions. Word of advice to the young lady, don't believe everything you read. I'm a reporter and I don't trust something unless it passes my own test. The Internet is a good tool to use to research, but it's just that a tool. Machines don't rule us...otherwise you take the fear that the organization nurtured in you and allow other factors the same amount of power. The life we lead now, in the present moment, can end at any second with or without divine live and if you're afraid, then head back to the Kingdom Hall.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Oh my gosh this story is still making the rounds? barf. I like the line in the end that gave it a Christ like ring to it. "Whatever your mission, get it done quickly, for it won't be long now!" This story is like a turd that just refuses to flush down.

  • LDH

    You don't have to do any fact checking at all to debunk this story.

    The second line of the 'experience' should have set your bells a'ringing.

    We had an interesting experience at our recent assembly. Though he has never been to college, this brother who grew up in the truth is so talented that he was able to obtain a high paying job.
  • calico

    troubled mind--That was an excellent post! I've had pretty much the same life!

    hikaru--You need to get out of the house and enjoy your youth! Or find a good doctor to help you!

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