Latest United Nations-End of Religion-End of World alert
by Questions1 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Jeremy C
This is hilarious. I remember hearing this story about 20 years ago. This story has been recycled, regurgitated, repackaged, and redistributed in numerous forms many times over. This urban legend is a dead horse that has had the crap beaten out of it by overzealous COs, and uninformed yokels within the congregations. These knee-jerk reactionary whisper campaigns are textbook behavior of the cults.
troubled mind
OMG There was a version of this very story going around when I was a teenager in 1978 !!!!!!!! A group of us teenagers sat around at a get together discussing how close the end must really be then .
Total Bullshit! Nowhere does the Bible teach any such thing as the United Nations turning on Religion. And what the heck kind of company "assigns" someone (probably a window washer?) to go deliver a speech to the UN?
The fact that this guy supposedly was "assigned" to give a speech (i.e.talk) is a dead giveaway for Witness speak! What rubbish. IF any dubs believe this, they need a labotomy fast!
btw: the part about the three men at the UN being surprised that their plans to turn on religion were known was soooo funny I cracked up laughing and almost spilled my tea into my computer.
The article by Jennifer Lawinski is from Fox News... I don't know how familiar you are with Fox, but nothing that comes out of it is without bias.
But aren't they Fair and Balanced?
Where should I go for news now?
cognizant dissident
I too heard this story back in the 90's.
When reading a story such as this, analyze it critically. Notice in this story, "who, what, when, where and how", the basic questions of journalistic fact finding are all missing. The brother's name is not given. What company he worked for is not named. The dates are not given. Where the brother and his company are from are not given. Most importantly, plausible explanations for how an uneducated brother happened to get a high paying job and how he came to be chosen to speak at the United Nations are all missing.
Even if he were chosen to speak for his company on the subject of economics (highly unlikely as the UN has access to economic think tanks all over the world populated by doctors of economics), he would certainly have had a narrow subject he would be expected to address in an allotted time frame while representing his company's interests. To diverge totally off topic into the realm of religion and a secret conspiracy on the part of the UN to destroy JW's would have, at best, most certainly got him fired and at worst, got him carted off to the looney bin with a very long stress leave!
Furthermore, even if someone of his stature and intelligence in his company were asked to speak at the UN and did dare to diverge so outrageously off topic, what are the chances of the few members of the UN he was speaking to, supposedly about Economics, being the very members privy to this same secret conspiracy to destroy religion? It is ludicrous beyond measure.
Although no more so than most assembly experiences.
If the UN is going to go after and end false religion, and JW "truth" is the true religion, then what is there to fear as they would go unmolested? So to speak.
Why the skulking around and talk of having to go underground with meetings?That's one of the best questions I have seen regarding conflict of words and actions.
Could this be why they have decided there is no need for the book study? Are they becoming bold because they are riding the beast?
good lord I think I heard that 10 years ago... its still floating around?
Ya, cause UN members reveal confidential UN Initiatives/agendas to religous zealouts who stroll in out mere coincidence.
After consulting together for a few moments they declared that it would be happening soon because everything was already in place. As they left the room, one turned to our brother and quietly said -- Whatever your mission, get it done quickly, for it won't be long now!
oh my, what were they consulting about? "should we arrest him or have him killed? He knows too much!" or was it "what an ass, hey lets tell him he's right; I got 10 bucks says he waives his bible around and tells all his buddies about it!"
it won't be long now!
sounds like Russel, Rutherford, Knorr, Franz, Henschel and Teddy Jaracz for over a hundred years. Oooooh 1914! Ooooooh - the end is soooooo close!
Notice in this story, "who, what, when, where and how", the basic questions of journalistic fact finding are all missing.
Excellent point. The story is unverifiable without these, hence why these basic details will often be missing in urban legends. That is why urban legends are often from "a friend of a friend".
Mrs. Fiorini
As the previous posters have shown, this story is obviously untrue, and it's sad that many JWs will readily believe it. What is even more sad and unbelievable is that the WT teaches that the UN will destroy religion at all.
In 1948 the United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It clearly states in Article 18 that, "Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance."
The United Nations has sections that deal specifically with human rights issues. Jehovah's Witnesses have appealed to these bodies when their rights to freely practice their religion have been violated. An example of this occurred when JWs seeking to avoid a military service requirement in Korea appealed to the UN. The UN sided with the JWs in defending their right to freedom of worship. This information can be confirmed on UN websites.
It is preposterous to believe that the UN will somehow "turn on" religion, yet the WT continues to predict this to its followers.