He told her that he was just passing out literature for her to look up in "her" Bible concerning the end of the world. She specifically asked him if he was associated with the Watch Tower Bible Tract Society and he said "No, Ma'am." So she took the literature and he went on his way. When she brought it in, she said it was indeed literature from the Jehovah's Witnesses and WTBTS.
Oh god.......This reminds me of an experience when I was abou 10 years old:
We were at my grandma's visiting when the all-important tract work came up. So we went out and I was doing an apartment complex....It was 3 stories high with about 3 or 4 apartments on each floor and these were the days when young ones could and did 'work on their own.'
Anyway, I knocked on the one door, told her I was there to give her a tract and would like to encourage her to read it. She asked "Is that the Watchtower?" I replied "No", because to my 10-year old way of thinking, I was just offering her a tract, not the Watchtower magazine. So she took it. I knocked on the next door and 5 seconds later, her door flew open, she yelled "It's the same damn thing!" and whipped the tract at me and slammed her door. I faithfully slid it back under her door in the hopes that she would read it and "get the troof".