On Monday, October 20th, in Elk City, Oklahoma, a Jehovah's Witness knocked on my very good friend's door. She did not know at the time that he was a JW but he was passing out literature. She thought it might be someone out campaigning for a political candidate. He told her that he was just passing out literature for her to look up in "her" Bible concerning the end of the world. She specifically asked him if he was associated with the Watch Tower Bible Tract Society and he said "No, Ma'am." So she took the literature and he went on his way. When she brought it in, she said it was indeed literature from the Jehovah's Witnesses and WTBTS. Seeing he was still in the neighborhood, she gathered up the literature and took it back to him and asked him why he'd told her that it was not from the WTBTS to which he replied "I didn't tell you that." Geez, Louise.....are they smoking crack at their meetings or something? Why would he not just admit that he was passing out literature from the WTBTS? Are they ashamed of their own religion or something??
Jehovah's Witnesses Evidently Ashamed of the WTBTS
by Melody Blankenship 29 Replies latest jw friends
Who knows. They love playing word games. Maybe he denies "association" but still claims "loyalty" to them (since the baptismal oath requires them to take an oath of loyalty to the Borg).
What was the literature BTW?
Theocratic Warfare Strategy at its best.
First instinct ... lie. If caught ... lie again.
Your not alone..When I lived in civilization,JW`s came to my door..They really did not want to identify themselves..I had to pry it out of them............It would seem they are not very proud of who they are.....................
I can remember being told not to start out the presentation identifying yourself as a jw. Didn't want the door shut right away, eh........But lying like that...........can't see what their goal is
I was reluctant to identify myself as a jw in high school. But it didn''t turn out being that bad because they were just curious for awhile and then dropped it. We had quite a diverse school religiously so I didn't stand out.
Yes, our field service presentation started like this, "Hello, Sir, we're BIBLE STUDENTS visiting your neighborhood sharing our publications ..."
Melody Blankenship
I really don't know what the literature consisted of as my friend did not keep it. But I will check around and see if anyone else in the neighborhood they were canvassing than day happened to keep it. If they have half a brain, they will use it to start a nice fire in their fireplace, or if it were a little softer, they might could use it for toilet paper!
Jeremy C
Watchtower Witnesses are being trained more and more to dialogue like attorneys ( "our organization never specifically taught the end would come in 1975" . . . "we have never taught that all non-JWs will be destroyed at Armageddon, only God can make that determination" "our organization does not force us what to believe, we simply follow the Bible"). In an organization that is so legalistic, it was inevitable that their members would begin to dialogue like evasive defense attorneys.
The Kingdom Ministry and the Reasoning Book have become field service manuals written to teach Witnesses how to be good sales people. In sales, there are certain words and phrase that one must never use in regards to their product.
While I was still in the organization, I remember that we were told to tell people that we are not "affiliated" with the WTBTS, but that it is merely a publishing corporation that is used by the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses. Do you see how they word it? It is a form of Clintonian hair-splitting.
The primary goal of the Watchtower is to use whatever rhetorical means necessary to get literature into people's hands. The organization has turned into one of those cheesy 1980s multi-level marketing companies - you know, those ones that tried to tell people that their laundry soap was superior to all others? Just sign on the dotted line, sir.
Actually, I remember receiving specific instructions (in the form of a letter from the WTS, read from the platform) that JWs were not to claim to be "representatives" of the WTS. They could say that they were JWs. Apparently "representation" of the WTS legally implies that the WTS endorses what all the JWs do and say in the role of "representatives". There's also the matter of being a shareholder in the corporation.
So, more to the point, the WTS is willing to count any baptized JW as one of Jehovah's Witnesses, but they are not willing to endorse them as bona fide representatives. They probably realize that a good number of JWs don't understand and can't properly "represent" the teachings of the WTS to the general public. I'd say the WTS is embarrassed of its followers.
wha happened?
AH Yes I do remember introducing myself as a bible student while disturbing others at their home. I don't know why I did it other than watching others do it and parroting them.
It's been so long since I've been in service or for that part, anyone knocking on my door that I don't know what the current presentation are like.