Page 4 of the same Kingdom Ministry. (KM-1989-February-p.4) "If any publishers use a personal name card in connection with their field service activities, they should not print thereon that they are representatives of the Watchtower Society."
Jehovah's Witnesses Evidently Ashamed of the WTBTS
by Melody Blankenship 29 Replies latest jw friends
Oh Nevada you have found the priceless gem!
Gotta love the WTS service departments printed disagreements with the legal department......leaving the writing to appease both!
That is outright stupid. Anyone that reads the tract or any other publication is going to be able to read at the bottom that it is copyrighted by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Soclety (which should have read "Washtowel Babble and Crap Slaveholdery). You tell them that you are not affiliated with that, and they read that on the waste of paper--and then they wonder why they end up in the garbage without being read any further. Plus, they can now go online and cross-reference the material to see what other lies are being promoted.
Thank you! It sounds like JW's are "on their own" and the Watchtower Society doesn't want to be associated with them, in case something happened out in the field ministry that could cause a law suit! So, JW's so-called "theocratic ministry" is all based on false identity, deception, lies, and results in being "rejected" by the very organization, that "requires" them to be out in the ministry work in the first place! What a hypocritical organization!
I tried not to identify myself as a JW either in FS. As soon as you say that you are a JW the door closes.. tsk tsk, then another opportunity to convert the heathens are lost. ;) I recall the Circuit overseer telling us to do this, one day in service. In fact I thought it was a good idea at the time. Not very honest, is it? Agent Smith
You think the apostles used this tactic when preaching the Good News?
I remember being invited over to a "party" We asked what was the occasions? There where not to the point, so we went. It was a Amway sales meeting!! That pissed us off.
Cult business cult religion. -
Boy those Kingdom Ministry's brought back memories (puke gag)
I can remember being told not to start out the presentation identifying yourself as a jw. Didn't want the door shut right away, eh
Hell, I always told them right up front who I was in the HOPE that they would turn me away and I wouldn't have to say another word.
I wonder if Moses had this much difficulty with the nation of Isreal? For some reason I can't for the life of me seeing him seeking out legal assitance before speaking to the Isrealites.
Oh where oh where has the society gone from being a Bible Organizaiton to a legal organization? Maybe they need to restudy the Bible.