My marriage has always been unevenly yoked........ (Me JWborn- Him Southern Baptist)
We agree to disagree....
We respect the right of the other to bestow their religious faiths on the children.
If he wants 'pagan days' he has to set it up himself, but I am more then happy to do the take down.
Xmas- we attend service, but he has adopted to participate in the national JW clearance celebration in lieu of Xmas gifts (which of course is the week after Xmas)
NewYears......we are sleeping,
Valentines......we both think is too commercialized
St Patty's Day........ we all are wearing green and eating corned beef.....which my daughter thinks is soooo stoooopid!
April Fools Day........ kids go all out
Memorial........ we all attend (his only JW event)......this said if the service is held after 8pm again many of us mother are boycotting. 2008 Memorial was an absolute disaster, kids were cranky, and we were pack like sardines. See several of us mother with really small children sneak out of TMS early to get kiddies to bed.
Easter......Sunrise Service, a basket, some BBQ and me mumbling to myself....but grateful there are no eggs!
Mothers/Fathers Day.....depends on mood
Fourth of July.......yes like all the other JWs in my area!
Halloween......nobody celebrates in my area except for Wal-mart......fall festivals are what the "wordly people" do now. Daddy takes them around to the various events at the local churches and schools.
Thanksgiving.........oh crap it is my year to host!
Seasons are recognized and glory is given to the creator and decorated accordingly. For instance we have pumpkins, gourds and bales of hay along with a scarecrow family representing us.... This will remain our porch and lawn decorations until winter.
We don't do birthdays but rather have a family celebration period that starts with our wedding anniversay and ends with the first weekend in Sept....covering all the kids birthdays. Neither of us celebrate our personal B-days cuz we agreed to permenantly remain the ages we met....thus my husband is 23 and I am 19 until death due us part.
We keep a healthy sex life, make time to keep connected emotionally as a couple (cuz kids eventually move-out), make a point to plan and execute yearly goals together to keep us bonded as team and partnership (the last one was a new deck, which was a 'patience' challenge) and lots of family and couples getaways!