New understanding

by elder-schmelder 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    While it's understandable that they might try to "reform" their false teaching on the 144,000 (which is a literal number, BTW, but not as they teach it), the most logical reformation will be with regard to the "generation" of 1914: at one time, it was those who were, I guess, of a certain age so as to "understand/discern" what that year "signified" (i.e., adult age). Later, it became those who were of enough age to understand that they were "anointed" and what that meant (i.e., at least, say, 10-11 or older). Or something like that. Most recently, I believe it is that such ones were at least born in that year.

    Given that folks born in that year would now be, what, at least 94 years old... or dang close to it... and given that 2008 has just about come and went... and given that within a couple/few years there will be NOBODY on the "Governing Body" who would have been born in, say, 1924, let alone 1914... they're gonna HAVE to come up with something to explain that.

    I mean, okay, so all of those guys didn't "go up" in 1914... or 1975... or, it looks like, 2008... as has been predicted, prophesied, foretold, told, whathaveyou. SOOOOOOooooo...

    Look for "new light" as to who the "generation" that "will not pass away"... "really" is. Again.

    I bid you all peace.

    A slave of Christ,


  • LDH

    They said that we are "no longer living in a period covered by Chronology, but prophecy, so we must wait and see."

    Translation: we, the WBTS, suck ass at predicting now we're just going to INFER and lead you to a conclusion which we will never directly say.....That way those nasty postates can't say "See? There went another date by the wayside."

  • neverendingjourney

    I don't think the current leadership has it in them to so drastically overhaul their doctrine, as some folks are suggesting. I think a more likely scenario is that they'll do some date-shifting to come up with a new drop-dead date for Armageddon. Some people speculate that they might begin to hint at 2034 (because of the 120 years of Noah's time), but they can come up with a wide variety of new dates while keeping most of their eschatology in place.

    Remember that Charles T. Russell used William Miller's eschatology to arrive at 1914, even though Miller had predicted the end would come in 1844. Russell moved a few things here and there and arrived at the 1914 date. The current GB could do something similar. Keep Russell's eschatology that he borrow (ahem...stole) from Miller, tweak it here and there, and arrive at some new the-end-must-arrive-beforehand date. That'll be easier for the rank and file to swallow than the wholesale changes being suggested.

  • StAnn

    I did have a Dub come to my door about three years ago and she said, "Wouldn't you like to live forever in a paradise on Earth?" I replied, "Why would I want to live here when I can go to heaven and be with Jesus? There's nothing on Earth that could ever compare to that!"

    She just stood there with her mouth open. I guess it never dawned on her that all people aren't completely materialistic.


    Oops, wrong thread. Sorry, it won't let me delete this.


  • insearchoftruth

    St. Ann, may have been meant for somewhere else, but fit into this thread quite well!!

  • yknot

    traditionally the WTBS only changes for 4 reasons:

    1 Money

    2. Legal pressures (which is almost always associated with money)

    3. Somebody dies and his ideas are tossed by his replacement

    4. Time marches on and forces an issue

    Why change doctrine if you can simply stop talking about it.....(Mormons have been doomsdayers much longer then us)

    I think structural changes are the 'new understanding'.

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