Soon this election will be over

by mrsjones5 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • 144001

    Amen, Mrs. Jones.

    We're all going to be fine no matter who wins. Let's face it, nothing's really going to change for most of us. I'm voting for Obama but if McCain happens to win I still think it will be an improvement over George Bush. If McCain wins and dies in office though, heaven help us!

  • avishai

    >>>The sweetest revenge would be a black President in the whitehouse.<<<<

    How so? It's not like YOUR country is blameless with regards to racism. Australia ever have an indigenous Australian as pres.? Wasn't Oz kidnapping aboriginal kids and placing them with white families until the 1970's? Look, most of us understand that Bush has hurt other countries besides ours. Including tanking the economy. Most of us didn't even vote for him, at least in 2000. But, get this straight. Most of us voting for Obama are not voting for him because people in Europe or Oz or Kenya think we should. We're not doing it because you "told us so". Or because he's black and "it's about time!" It's not about "revenge". Barack is one of the first "viable" candidates who happens to have African ancestry(with national coverage, i'm sure there were others who were great, without much coverage.) For instance, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton would never have gotten my vote first and foremost because they are also religious leaders. So, most of us couldn't care less about the amt. of melanin in his skin. We care about getting the country on track.
    I'm not sure who I'm voting for, I don't like ANY of the major party candidates this time around. But if I vote for Obama, it's not going to be for some world wide popularity contest, or because of how I'll be perceived if I don't. To paraphrase hilbilly, I've already done alot to fight racism, sexism, homophobia etc. I don't need to "prove" anything by voting for someone based on the amt. of melanin they do or don't have. If I did, that WOULD be racist.

  • avishai

    Sorry, double post.

  • mrsjones5

    Thanks for the replies everyone. I haven't been neglecting my topic, just been busy running around getting things done. Gregor, out of all the responses you're have warmed my heart the most - what a sweet side you have. I love it when folks call me Jonesy, reminds me of my days on yahoo chat (geez I miss those days ) I'll just remember to stay out of your way when you're cranky.


  • worldtraveller

    To all who believe that Socialism is so evel. May I remind you that Jesus was a Socialist. Anyone here have a problem with Jesus?

  • avishai

    No, just his followers

  • snowbird

    Gregor is a cuddly curmudgeon.


  • Gregor

    Gosh, Syl. That was sweet, I think.

  • kurtbethel

    The whole D and R theater, is like a good cop/bad cop routine. They take turns in the White Lie House, and have a ringer run a non campaign. Anyone remember 1996 and the Bob Dole pretend campaign? Obama was appointed to be CEO of America Inc., while McCain and Palin is pure theater.

    In 1988 Russell Means was running as a Libertarian. He said he would paint the White House red. I thought that was a great idea and I would have voted for him if he had gotten nominated. If nothing else, it made for better theater than the R and D dog and pony show.

    They will never look out for us, if they were going to they would have by now. The way we are going to get by is to forget about their nonsense and cover each others backs. One to one, as individuals.

  • Gregor


    Well, I'll be damned. I actually agree with most of everything you said above. A little bit heavy on the conspiracy angle but generally fits my cynical view of our government to a T.

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