if all k-halls burned down in one night......????

by oompa 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • yknot

    seriously, if I was still "in", I would take that as pure evidence that Jehovah's spirit was NOT on the organization.

    Guess I would say that too....if its God's org....what happened!

    Halcyon and Hope.....

    Clearly you both are having a spriritual weak moment........

    Scripture warns us about Satan acting out against us remember? (Revelation12:12) . . .the Devil has come down to YOU, having great anger, knowing he has a short period of time."

    Evidently the time is almost here, for why else would Satan feel the need to do such a thing! Did he strike at "Christendom" certainly not! He already has them fooled, but not US we remain loyal to Jehovah and he hates US for it too! Silly serpent burning down our buildings won't make US turn from Jehovah. Why Jehovah has already provided for such an event! Yes this is why he knowinly had the SLAVE form the RBC! Yes we will give a strong witness to the worldly as we commence on a global quickbuild! Jehovah's spirit will guide us to increases not seen before!

    Let us rejoice in knowing that the New System is almost starting, that we are going to walk into it as part of the GT with our heads held high and hearts filled with joy for remaining faithful to the Organization even during these seemingly destructive times!


  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    I'm pretty sure the WBTS self insures so it would be a big headache for them! Basically all the congregations used to purchase their own insurance policy but nowadays they all pay their premium to mother. In the event of damage to the property they are supposed to fork out but from what I hear they're are not very keen on that part of the deal.

  • JimmyPage

    This seems to be a recurring theme for you oompa... but I like it!

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    "We don't need no water let the Moth## ##cker burn....burn moth#r @#cker, burn."

  • DaCheech
    Insurance money, publicity and proof of persecution in this system of things!

    It would bankrupt them, they are self insured..... that's right, no outside insurance company to pay them.

  • Eyes Open
    Eyes Open

    All Witnesses would realise that the true religion is supposed to be persecuted *after* the false ones, and so would instantly disassociate themselves and become Mormons.

  • Farkel


    Hey! If you are going to have a fantasy, be creative! How about if all the Kingdom Halls had huge spires and crosses overnight? And inside, there were shelves with lots of stone idols of the Virgin Mary, and other "saints", and across the front of the stage was a big row of lit candles, and on the walls were pictures of Jesus with a crown of thorns on his head, all sad-faced and blood running down his face with lots of blood dripping from his hands and feet. In the corner was a life-sized statue of the Virgin Mary who was crying from one eye, but it wasn't tears, it was real blood, and the literature section still had the covers on the NWT, but inside the covers was the Book of Mormon! The middle of the Hall had a big mosaic of a red Pentagram, and the song books had nothing but Druid songs.

    The Contribution Box had a sign on it that said, "Feed ME!", and the Year's Text banner on stage was now in Arabic!

    When the elders begin to remove the stone idols off the shelves, the idols would bite them!

    Now that is MY fantasy. Heh, heh.


  • Tuesday

    OMG given the reactions of everyone, I almost say this would be worth organizing. If it weren't for the fact we would all be sent to Federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison and all.

  • blondie

    With or without people in them....I don't find it very productive to think that burning anything will kill ideas, good or bad.

  • cameo-d

    They would have to retract their statement on meetings and go back to home groups again.

    Just think oompa...your wife will be in charge of goodie night. Maybe you can bake some MJ brownies.

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