Forget the Financial crisis; it will be the Eco Crisis that will kill us

by eyeslice 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • eyeslice

    We seems to me that world news has become totally dominated by the global financial crisis. The world will be looking to Obama when he takes office to see what he has planed to address the problems in the US housing, financial and automotive sectors.

    It strikes me that as soon as we see the signs of impending financial hard times, our leaders jump to the rescue. But would it really be the 'end of the world' if the whole of the financial system as we know it were to totally breakdown? The reality is that mankind could survive without I-pods, mobile phones, TV, the Internet and all the paraphernalia of the modern world. It might be tough, but many of us could grow our sufficient food and find enough fuel to keep ourselves from dying form the cold.

    However, we are close to ecological breakdown. We over-fish our seas, we cut down our forests, the quality of our soil continues to degrade in even the most fertile regions of the world. We are destroying our bio-diversity and still are putting far too much CO2 into the atmosphere. There will be some who try to argue against these facts - but surely this is a 'head in the sand' attitude.

    Perhaps as witnesses, we didn't worry about this too much. After all, we knew that God would step in and bring in a new order of ecological perfection. I am by nature an optimist but I do worry about this issue. I have no faith in world rulers, and I fear there is a real possibility that we are screwing this planet to point of no return.

  • leavingwt
  • sammielee24

    The environmental issues are all political.


  • BizzyBee

    Been reading Hot, Flat and Crowded by Thomas L. Friedman, so I agree that things have to change - and fast.

    However, a total financial breakdown could lead to wide-spread anarchy.

  • IP_SEC
    wide-spread anarchy.

    I would thank the lord for that

  • besty
    The environmental issues are all political.

    Can you expand on that?

  • sweetstuff

    The upside of a financial crisis is that it just might be what the world needs to get a smack upside the head and actually focus on the basics of survival versus the 'wants' of society. Call it a return to the "dark ages" if you will, a financial crisis large enough might actually set in to motion the environmental solution the world needs. If the big biz's that pump so much crap into the atmosphere went bust, and millions of people had to walk instead of drive their SUV's around town, think of the impact of that on the planet for a number of years, I can't see a downside to that.

    Yup it would suck to be in a financial crisis severe enough to bring about such a massive destruction of society as we know it, yet at the same time, it might be the only thing that allows life to survive on earth, period.

    Just a thought.

  • jaguarbass

    The Republican regime is very much like JW's they are mainly right wing religious nut jobs who think the earth will stand forever and God will save and protect no matter how much they screw things up. I think your concerns are real but there is not much we can do except take care of ourselves the best we can. If we get too many people either we will run out of resources and have a thinning of the herd or the keepers will have a big war or introduce some plague or pestillence to return numbers to a more manageable number. I'm not a big fan of the bible nowadays but there are words of wisdom scattered throughout. Some with multiple interpretations. One that comes to mind regarding your topic is Daniels words also found in Matthew "When you see the disgusting thing that causes desolation run to the mountains" Or as I say head for the hills.

  • SacrificialLoon

    It's a tragedy of the commons. People's short term selfish desires are at odds with the long term common good.

    You can apply the commons delimma to both the financal and ecological problems.

  • beksbks


    Bizzy!! That's on my list! I had it my hands, I should have grabbed it!

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