I'm pretty sure that one way or another humans will continue to push the limits of planetary systems. Oh, the planet will be just fine, and life will continue to adapt and evolve. However, the American Way Of Life As We Have Come To Know It won't go on. It was a one time deal, a culmination of fortuitous historical circumstances that brought a portion of humanity to a level of comfort never before imagined.
It couldn't last. Back in the 1970s, the Limits to Growth were recognized. Unfortunately, "growth" is the supreme article of faith in the religion of Economics. It was only a matter of time before limits of any kind were out of vogue once again in the mainstream. See this article: Cassandra's curse: how "The Limits to Growth" was demonized. The limits never went away, they were just ignored for political expediency.
Yes, life will go on. It just won't be that wonderful "Star Trek" future that some of us envisioned at one time. There will be more pollution, more deserts, more premature death, more disease, less wealth, less security, less clean water, less food to go around, less energy to run what remains of civilization. I have heard some wonder what future generations will think of us and what we did to the planet. My answer is that they won't think of us. They will come into the world as they find it and try to make their lives the best that they can under whatever circumstances they live. In our arrogance we think we will be remembered for better or worse, but we won't be.
Forget the Financial crisis; it will be the Eco Crisis that will kill us
by eyeslice 35 Replies latest jw friends
Dave as cheerful as your post is, I agree with most of it. Except I can't help but believe that humans are growing, like children. We learn we adapt. I figure if those with enough brains to see the bigger picture become concerned enough, they will override the idiots, and we will adapt yet again. It's basically survival of the fittest, only now fitness is intellectual, not physical.
There will be more pollution, more deserts, more premature death, more disease, less wealth, less security, less clean water, less food to go around, less energy to run what remains of civilization
You're not allowing for technology solutions.
Take energy - wind, tidal, solar and geo-thermal are all non-polluting and with free fuel - the challenge is to extract and distribute the energy.
How about the quick win from efficiency? The utilities are targetted and rewarded with selling more energy to us - how about flipping that to reward them for efficiency?
I'm optimistic about our capacity to innovate with the right leadership from government and industry.
Go Barry. Go Barry. Go Barry.
(I'm guessing the GOP must do the obligatory the 'end of the world is nigh' navel-gazing now that they have realised how out of touch they are with the American people - no vision = we are all doomed)
ECO and financial are connected anyway
Been reading Hot, Flat and Crowded by Thomas L. Friedman, so I agree that things have to change - and fast.
However, a total financial breakdown could lead to wide-spread anarchy.
Yes. That's right. The natives are getting restless. Did you know that there has been talk of states succeeding from the union fow quite some time? Did you know there is much talk of revolution in this country?
I think even all that has been manipulated. Look at what happened in the French revolution. RUMORS. Foundless rumors started so much of it. "The Great Fear" and history repeats itself. It began out of economic crisis and crop failures and political implications.
In this day and time the scenerio is even more evil. It's more than economics, although that is a catalyst. Of recent there have been certain lobbyists calling for war to stimulate US ecomomy. What kind of a resolution is a bloodthirsty move like that? But in spite of the protests of the citizens who say "no blood for oil" we are powerless to stop it.
However, a total financial breakdown could lead to wide-spread anarchy.
And this is where the "silent hand" comes into play to quiet the uproar and thin the crowd to a manageable few.
If we get too many people either we will run out of resources and have a thinning of the herd or the keepers will have a big war or introduce some plague or pestillence to return numbers to a more manageable number.
I don't think "the keepers" are our government. I think it is beyond elected gov. and officials probably do not even know all the plans and are powerless to stop what has been set in motion.
If something like the above scenerio happens, there is really no one on whom to focus blame even if it is a deliberate plan. And so the superstitious will call it "the hand of god annhiliating the ungodly".
Did anyone see the Simpsons "Quarrantine and Kill"? It is almost as though Hollywood has been telling us all along that there is something in the works. Many movies have been made concerning this theme. It's like tearing the wings and legs off insects...terrorize them before the kill. This world is being run by a bunch of sick-o's and greedy industry.
Call it a return to the "dark ages" if you will, a financial crisis large enough might actually set in to motion the environmental solution the world needs. If the big biz's that pump so much crap into the atmosphere went bust, and millions of people had to walk instead of drive their SUV's around town, think of the impact of that on the planet for a number of years, I can't see a downside to that.
And Sweet...I believe the little people will suffer much more than the "big business". Your thoughts are a bit idealistic, but I wish it would be that simple and that the evil and greedy would be the ones to pay the price. But it won't be. It will be the struggling peasants who suffer and are wiped out. I guess that's why it will be easier to "silently" deal with it. You can't fight a pandemic with bullets and petitions and mass anarchy.
And Sweet...I believe the little people will suffer much more than the "big business". Your thoughts are a bit idealistic, but I wish it would be that simple and that the evil and greedy would be the ones to pay the price. But it won't be. It will be the struggling peasants who suffer and are wiped out. I guess that's why it will be easier to "silently" deal with it. You can't fight a pandemic with bullets and petitions and mass anarchy.
My point was that only a financial crisis large enough to buckle big biz would have that kind of effect. Obviously those at the bottom of the food chain would feel the hit the most, I wasn't suggesting otherwise. Which is why I stated if big biz was greatly effected, if it wasn't, well it's a no brainer that only those too poor to help themselves would be greatly effected. I'm blonde Cameo, but not that blonde, lol. :)
I'm blonde Cameo, but not that blonde, lol. :)
Sweet, I never meant to imply that your idea was without merit! Please do not think I meant any offense.
Because all of these troubles bring to mind the scripture of promise "I will bring to ruin those who are ruining the earth" and I think we tend to look on the upside and hope for that. But scriptures do not tell you the great cost of bringing that about. And consequently, I think many do not look at the details of the whole picture. And some only think it will happen to "others" and not in their own little world. Many may put the "trickle down theory" out of there minds. Or perhaps be altruistic in saying its for the greater cause that we all die off.
A rock is not a resource, it is a rock. It is the human mind that extracts metals from it. Oil is not a resource, it is oil, it is the human mind that has created a useful good out of it by extracting energy from it, and transforming it into other things.
A seed is a seed. It was the human mind that learned how to plant it so that it could feed many. It was the human mind that learned to train it into more productive varieties.
Resource limits are bogus, because the only resource that makes any other things resources is the human mind, which is what creates, what invents, what provides.
There is no limit to human ingenuity, if it is not shackled.
Resource limits are bogus, because the only resource that makes any other things resources is the human mind, which is what creates, what invents, what provides.
Great point Burn.
Resource limits are bogus
I'm sure the inhabitants of Easter Island would've agreed.