Thinking ecologically globally has evolved its self over the years from the first mention of ti back in the sixties or before,
from land to lakes, seas and rivers it made good common sense, now just recently the air and atmosphere has come into focus with the advent of global warming.
There does seem to be a consensus that we need to retool are ideas on how to use natural resources not only for the sake of mankind but for the sake
of nature in its entirety. To quote a well know geneticist here in Canada Dr. David Suzuki " Mankind is mother earth's personal virus " and when you think about it
it makes a lot of sense. We've blindly in the past disregarded the environment, all for the pursuit of a better more comfortable lifestyle. As the world population continues to grow
there is now more reason to think ecologically. Personally though I think it has to be done globally with all countries participating in a responsible fashion or it may all come
to a futile and pointless effort.