Very few JW's actually read the magazines.
After 20 years I can admit I have probably read one from front to back, maybe! The ONLY reason the JW's have any idea what they are about is because in every JW house in the land, in the bathroom you will find the WT and Awake. I have read the bible, and it nourished my mind and spiritual endeavour, I find the magazines tedious. Its a testament to the strength of Gods Word over Mans.
Something I found frustrating towards the end were questions or comments from readers that were so obviously contrived. Or examples or experiences that again were so far from reality were obviously made up my a middle aged clueless man.
As for the Tetrogramaton, at an earl age i stumbled on some information in an encarta. I felt naughty reading it and I kept going back and reading it again and again. It said the name Jehovah is a misunderstanding of a phrase entered into biblical text in reference to how holy God is. I.e. it wasnt a name it was a hallowed reference such as 'he that is God'.
I spoke to a hebrew scholar about this only last week, now im in university i have access to such people. He said it is very much a mis-translation and a very well known one, it was humerous to him. He even laughed at how the letter J was the most recent letter in the English language and that if one thing could be assured.... Gods name is NOT Jehovah. He then went into the hebrew and bascially agreed with the sentiments of the encarta.
Of interest he felt very passionate about another translation that is incorrect in the NWT, Jesus reffering to his mother as 'Woman'. (at the wedding feast). This is a complete misunderstanding. The word Jesus used is translated into a beautiful honourary word. This always confused me. We spoke for hours about the bible and its translation. There were other things like Christ being a GREEK word and therefore 100% not used in Jesus's day. He was reffered to as Messiah, never as Christ.
I cant remember our discussion it went on for hours. But it assured me Im making the right decision in asking questions.