God's "official channel"

by Deputy Dog 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate


    Franz proves my point I believe. He left because he didn't believe the lie.


    But Ray was just one human who was misled.

    Just as we were misled by teachings of men.

    He, like all of us, must discern between teachings of men and teachings of God.

    BA- Cheers

  • Kudra


    I can't quite put my finger on it, but you seem to have a different tone lately... have you been saved or born again or something???


  • leavingwt

    I'm one of those that believes that they do indeed believe they are God's channel. They arrive on the GB after decades of being indoctrinated. Ray's explanation of them being "captives of a concept" is eyewitness testimony that is not easily dismissed by me.

    I also think David Koresh honestly believed he was the Messiah.


  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    Don't get me wrong, I believe in self-deception. I just think that it's not the excuse people make it out to be. I believe in every case (except serious mental illness), at some point, there is a conscious decision to exchange the truth for the lie. I also believe that even after the exchange, there are a series of conscious decisions to maintain the lie.

    I think this happens at some level to most people, many times in life.

  • cameo-d
    they are God's "official channel".

    Channeling is an occult activity involving spiritism.

    Channeling is what mediums do to contact the spirit world. Channeling is done through trance, automatic writing, ouija boards, etc.

    How does your GB do it's channeling? Have you ever asked?

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    I also think David Koresh honestly believed he was the Messiah.

    I'm not sure I agree with you.

    Then again, what level of mental illness do you think he suffered from.

  • garybuss

    Part of the delusion is that the body of governors actually govern (run) the Watch Tower Conglomerate of corporations. Ask Gene Smalley or Phill Brumley who makes company policy . . . them or the invisible god of the Jews.

    The carnival magician and the pretty lady assistant's job is to mesmerize the audience while the pickpockets work the crowd.

    This is a pyramid marketing sales company with a political agenda, masquerading as a religion. Don't think for one minute that the guys running this company believe their own hype.

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    Channeling is an occult activity involving spiritism.

    That doesn't really answer the question, does it?

  • leavingwt
    at some point, there is a conscious decision to exchange the truth for the lie

    Had I not been a JW for 23 years, a hardcore Kool-Aid drinking Bethelite, I might would agree. However, in my own case, I never once made a conscious decision to join (or remain in) a cult, something false. All of my Watchtower activities and support were done, believing 100% that I had the truth and was doing God's will.

    So, for me, these twelve men are doing the same thing. Sure, just like the rank and file, they may differ on some minor point of dogma, but their belief in the overall concept that the organization is run by God is unwavering in my opinion. Moreover, it is the product of the Mind Control/Cult tactics put in motion before most of the current GB were born.

  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate

    I can't quite put my finger on it, but you seem to have a different tone lately... have you been saved or born again or something???




    If I have mellowed, it is due to circumstances. The forum is winding down, and certain folks I would define as trolls (although they have a "following") are less frequent visitors these days. I addition,it is important that we continue growing and learning each day, challenging what we think we know. Life is a journey. To abandon (or even "put on the back burner") our sense of observation and the conclusions we draw from it, is to invite a host of problems that build a wall around what we are all (or should be) seeking.


    BA- Your Brother in Christ (even if you do not acknowledge Him).

    PS- "Born Again" (see John 3:1-8) is something we all must be according to Christ. Matthew 6:20 helps us to begin on that journey.

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