God's "official channel"

by Deputy Dog 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    Had I not been a JW for 23 years, a hardcore Kool-Aid drinking Bethelite, I might would agree. However, in my own case, I never once made a conscious decision to join (or remain in) a cult.

    I'm sure you took someone's word. Yet you are out today, you gave up on the lie at some point. But you weren't at the top, telling people that God spoke through you.

  • yknot

    Self-delusion has many levels.

  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate
    Self-delusion has many levels.


    We are all deluded, and sinful, on some level(s).

    BA- "God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged." -Romans 3:4

  • leavingwt

    Being "at the top" is not a big deal to these folks. If you'll recall, Ray told us that they view the "Organization" as an entity, separate from them. While they run it, they individually view themselves as a small piece of the "arrangement".

    Confronted with a life or death blood issue, a JW may choose death, and yet this doesn't open their eyes, or open the eyes of their loved ones, in many cases. A GB member casting a single vote in a weekly meeting is not necessarily going to awaken him. He sits down at that table, not even comprehending (as Ray says) that he IS the organization. He just sits down and fulfills a role that dozens of others before him did, with no problem.

    Ray couldn't believe his eyes. He felt the full weight of it. He did snap. However, from his perspective, it was no big deal for most -- if not all -- of the others at that time.

  • orangefatcat

    This is what bothers me okay, They say they are God's spirits directed organization here on earth used by God to feed the people the food at the proper time.

    So what bothers me is this, When the members of the GB sit down to discuss something of major importance in scripture and lets say that six agree and six disagree they then have to try and get another majority vote of 7 to say yes that is what is going into the WT magazine. So all these body members are not all of one spirit so how can they are directed by God's Holy spirit if they can't come to a unanimus conclusion of an issue.

    Thus this is where the dilema lies in ones consciense for a governing body member. Does the member who was against make waves , should he prove his points from scripture or from another watchtower. Will their consciensce become a question of Crisis just as it was for Ray Franz.

    If this organization has God's backing then all should be of one accord not a majority rules. they aren't a democracy they claim to be a theocracy. As of late that isn't happening.


  • leavingwt


    Very good questions. It's doesn't make a bit of sense, does it? I think most JWs would have a cow if they knew the GB voted on these things, etc.

    One would think that the Holy Spirit -- as they see it -- would be powerful enough to give them a clear decision on something. Since it's a scam, a man-made religion, it is what it is.


  • mouthy

    I'm one of those that believes that they do indeed believe they are God's channel. Like lwt I also believe this. How can anyone truly sit in Bethel & listen to the teaching day after day & NOT think they are the TRUTH!!!Why would you stay there otherwise. ?

    I remember when I sat in hospital with a sign over my head "Absolutly NO BLOOD!!!"Because Dr's & Nurses were trying to entice me to give in..I had the operation with out it.... but as I was going under the DR said "you know it could be dangerous for you with that stipulation.!!!."... I was so proud to be "USED" by GOD( YUK).. I just couldnt understand WHY they didnt love Jehovah & want to do as HE said.
    Of course now when I look back. I see how I was so much under mind control. So surely they wouldnt stay unless they truly do believe it is doing Gods will???? I cant understand that most of you cant believe that ?O.K. set the old lady right again......

  • mustang

    How does your GB do it's channeling? Have you ever asked?

    You could be right. There are some anecdotes that lead to that conclusion.

    But YOU CAN'T ASK THIS. Ask it once, maybe you will be overlooked; ask it twice and you're in the "backroom". You'll be luck to escape DF'ing and YOU WON'T ASK AGAIN.

    You will be viewed as heading for APOSTACY.

    Also, one of the favorite Star Chamber questions when your Inquistion starts is: do you believe this is God's "spirit directed organization". You have to nod affirmative to stay in for the next 5 minutes.

    If you find yourself being asked this question, know that you have crossed a line to where you don't want to be.

    Next: if you do nod and go for details of the 'spirit directed' bit, you are right back on thin ice.

    You won't get answers, just your head handed to you on a platter.

    Simple rules that work elsewhere do not work in the WTS or The Twilight Zone.


  • mustang

    How does your GB do it's channeling? Have you ever asked?

    Another thought is that you are now "harboring personal thoughts" or some phrase similar to that that was started a couple of years ago. You have to realize that the KH's are self-policing "witch hunts waiting to happen".


    If you are a seasoned, baptized publisher and you start asking the questions expected of a first year novice/"rookie" Bible Study, then alarm bells go off. Even the lowly, ordinary "rank and file" pubs are taught to set you straight, turn you in or both.


  • jamiebowers
    Being "at the top" is not a big deal to these folks

    It seems these guys really have you buffaloed. If being at the top is no big deal, then why do they work so hard to get there? Why do elders shield their friends and family from discipline that the rank and file get? Those on the governing body have to eventually hear about all of the nastiness in the congregations such as child molestation and domestic violence cover ups and unnecessary deaths due to the blood ban, yet only one has come out against the organization. But why would anyone be surprized? It would be awfully hard to walk away from the perks that billions of dollars and millions of slaves can provide.

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