You guys are too suspicious

by Mulan 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mulan

    I posted this on the thread from little_red_birdie, but thought perhaps it deserved it's own thread.

    To some of the posters on this thread:
    You guys are just too suspicious. Some teens are so grown up, and have good vocabularies, because their parents TALK to them, and they learn how to speak. I was like that when I was a teen. My parents were educated, and taught us good grammar and vocabulary.

    Don't look for things to criticize so often. That is a JW trait.

    If she really a young concerned teen, you have invalidated her post, by questioning her authenticity. Shame on you.

    By the way, when Princess was 14, people (especially guys) often mistook her for much older, because of the way she looked, for sure, but also her demeanor and her vocabulary. She wasn't full of 'you knows' and "valley girl" comments. Her father would not allow it, in our house. When she was in high school, many of the students thought she was a teacher!! I'm sure this is why she attracted a nine years older, educated man, like her husband.......she was 16 when he started coming around to "see her brothers".

    Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)

  • ashitaka


    just as a defense, my post was just, "oh no, not again." I apologized later on.

    But, it sucks to be duped into caring about a subject, and then finding out someone's been pulling your chain.


  • Billygoat

    It does suck to be duped. But then again it sucks when people think something about you that isn't true. How many times have we been hurt or angry because we're misunderstood. "If only they knew..." we might think. Well, let's do to others the way we would want to be treated. But judging someone from one little post is just as paranoid as those JW's that are suspicious about little blue smurfs. Come on you guys...give the girl a chance! We don't want her to go away thinking, "Boy maybe the JW's do have something. All the opposers sure are cynical a**holes."


  • lydia

    How sad and true that our being in the Borg for any time has us suspicious of all
    - think about how Little-red-bird must feel -
    I had a chance to speak with her mother
    - she is a 14 yr old!
    We need to remember that we are all here to help
    - not criticize -
    lets Leave that to the BORG
    - they do enough harm to our young ones!

    I too married an older gentleman ( not a JW) who I can relate to because of my education and maturity.
    I love to read and my vocabulary reflects this...
    so I am often taken as someone who is much older...
    which is frustrating to me..
    but its been this way since I was 12...
    and now that I'm in my 30's - well its frustrating for other reasons...
    I hope that we can all try to remember to take what we are told and not be suspicious ... lets get rid of that DUB trait!

  • Angharad

    I agree, lets not jump all over new people, and start throwing accusations, after only reading one or two posts made by them. It must be very hurtful, when all they are looking for is some advice and support.

  • LB

    Very nice thread. After getting jumped on for responding to a Xmas tree tread I felt like I was going to look somewhere else for support. But since I've received some nice e-mails and met some great people in chat. I would like to believe that this young lady is exactly that. Looking for answers to some basic questions.

    Nothing fishy here *S*

  • Billygoat

    LB - Never had a chance to welcome you either! Glad you're here!


    PS: You're fishy is a fast swimmer!

  • ZazuWitts


    Thanks for your post. I was just 13, when I wrote some short-stories, and had them published. Our youngest daughter was only 11-12, when she had several pieces of poetry published, and won/placed in national competitions.

    While I'm aware that all teenagers aren't as word savvy as Little-Red-Bird, IMO, it's always better to extend acceptance to such a message as hers. Time, and multiple posts generally reveal the true nature or intent of a poster.

  • Mum

    It is best to give a person the benefit of the doubt until evidence surfaces that he or she is not genuine. Thanks for pointing this out so eloquently, Mulan.

    Seize the day, and put the least possible trust in tomorrow. - Horace

    I have learned to live each day as it comes and not to borrow trouble by dreading tomorrow. - Dorothy Dix

  • Simon

    hear-hear !

    Well said Mulan and all.

    There is far too much paranoia on here.

    So what if someone sometime posts a story for sympathy and they turn out to be bogus. The number of times that has happened is extremely low and doesn't warrant the kind of response that a lot of new users get.

    Let's just remember how scary it may be for someone to make their first post and not look for fault like a 'certain religious group'.

    I think some fancy themselves as some kind of secret, undercover agents and are looking for a consiracy or some other mis-goings on that they have to uncover. Get Real ! Lighten Up !

    I'd rather be duped a 99 times if it meant I was nice to 1 genuine poster than hurt 99 genuine posters in my quest to 'out' 1 possible bogus one...

    Thanks for the reminder Mulan.

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