Have you met Governing Body members?

by BonaFide 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • BonaFide

    Brother Jaracz taught one day of my MTS class, the very last day. When I was in Bethel I met brother Schroeder, brother Sydlik, Barr, Barry. I said hi to brother Franz once as a kid.

    The new ones? I have met brother Losch briefly after a convention, and brother Lett also. I read the threads about them knowing or now knowing they are not the truth. I personally think they force themselves to believe it. That's what I did, and it worked for years.

    That's about it.

    And you?


  • Sunnygal41

    Brother Glass

  • isaacaustin

    The late carey barber in 1989

  • asilentone

    I have met Carey Barber in 1983 when I was visiting Brooklyn Bethel.

  • FadingAway

    I met Geoff Jackson back in 2006. Gave a special talk to our congreagation.

  • Kosonen

    I was at brother Samuel Herd's (a member of the Governing Body) talk 2005 in Sweden. His theme was "The Prayer is a Miracle". He asked us to pray for the Governing Body, because if there are matters they do not understand correctly, Jehovah will open them for them thank's to our prayers. He told us interesting storries. One was about how wrong Governing Body understood the matter with husbands who became homosexuals. He said: "We did not allow the sisters to divorce and remarry with normal brothers. And it took many long years for the GB to make a change. And he said: If affected sisters would have prayed more we would have corrected our oppinion much quicker.

    Many have prayed for them since 2005 about different matters. Many have wrote letters to them. But why are they so slow? I would like to ask brother Samuel Herd personaly what's wrong?

  • leavingwt
    If affected sisters would have prayed more we would have corrected our oppinion much quicker.

    Sickening. He's blaming the victims.

  • sir82
    We did not allow the sisters to divorce and remarry with normal brothers. And it took many long years for the GB to make a change. And he said: If affected sisters would have prayed more we would have corrected our oppinion much quicker.


    No matter what, it's always the publishers fault!

    These guys need to be put out of their misery. Actually, that would put them out of our misery!

  • BluesBrother

    Jack Barr was well known in the U K (at least London and Scotland) before he was summoned to join the G B,

    I went on the work with him, just a few weeks we heard that he had been asked to join them. At the time I was so impressed to think that someone who had been so friendly to me, a young lad, and of a humble self effacing attitude could get to the top of that organisation.

  • donny

    Back in the day I met Dan Sydlik, Carey Barber and John Barr by escorting them to and fro to their hotel rooms. When I became inactive in 1992, the presiding overseer brought Ted Jarasz by my house to encourage me to return to the fold. He identified himself as "Ted Jarasz from Brooklym."

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