What was #1?
What's The BIGGEST Thing You Learned From Being On The Net About JWs?
by minimus 40 Replies latest jw friends
That 607 BCE is a lie, which pulls the carpet from under the entire JW theology.
Theocratic Warfare Strategy
what was # 1?
wow thats a toughy. I have learned everything! I have learned so much I cant even point to this or that anymore.
607 BCE is a big one. Thus leading to the sham of 1914. But everything Rutherford ever did pisses me off. His bullying his way into the leadership. The obvious tactics he implimented to attempt to recover the org after the death of Russel. Moving dates and changing editions of books. The Finished Mystery. 1925 and the princes. I would love to travel back in time and punch that asshole right in the face. What a dick.
Epiphanies were manifesting themselves to me during the past study of the Revelation book. After reading this with open eyes the unbelievable manipulation and twisting of scripture was so extreme it would be laughable if it werent so sad. Yes, studying the "deep" things now exposes the org for what they are really doing. No wonder they want to keep R&F stupid. Just one instance of thought exposes the bullshit that is the WTS
The biggest thing to me was how many other times they predicted the end of the world!
Besides 1975...
The next was finding how many times they received "New Light"...It took me a while to realize that "New Light " doesn't mean a complete change of thought..it means receiving more information about what you already know!
Nice try WTBTS..Fool me once Shame on me...fool me 144,000 times Shame on you!
The United Nations/WBT$ scandal.....Rand Cam..That was a biggie..Although now..It`s nice to know..Between the 2 of us..The WBT$ and I own controlling interest in Rand Cam..LOL!!....................
White Dove
The UN scandal did it for me along with my own personal experiences. Just needed an outside confirmation of the Pharisaical hipocracy they practice.
I quit!
What I learned was that a lot of them act completely different on the net than they do in person. I was amazed at how some of them will lie about what they teach or have taught in the past. Even in the presents of former J-dubs who they know know they are lying. And how rude some of them act under the anonymity of the internet. They say things to you they wouldn't think of saying to someone while out in service.
I learned that a lot of EX JWs need help coping with "the truth."
i learned about the UN thing here on jwd....and that is pretty big...i know many have left over it now.....but their changing of the bible was the dealbreaker for me....and i hope any jw lurkers will use either one of these to wake up...........oompa