What's The BIGGEST Thing You Learned From Being On The Net About JWs?

by minimus 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • FlyingHighNow

    The real truth about the big apostate shake down at Bethel in the 80s. Especially the truth about Ray Franz and what they did to him. One of the first things I did when I went on line the first time was look for the WTBTS website. Naive me. I had no idea that AOL would come back with evil bad no-no sites in the search results. That page brought up a page with articles about Ray and what happened to him and some other witnesses around the country. It didn't turn me into an apostate, but it gave me food for thought. That was in late 1999.

  • fern

    The extent of child molestation and resulting cover-ups. I had no idea. Also, just how much worse some peoples stories are than my own. I didn't have it nearly as bad as some of you all.

  • jamiebowers

    How vwidespread the child molestation cover ups are and the fact that domestic violence is commonly ignored.

  • Snoozy

    Yes Fern, I have to agree, that was a big shock ..I too had no idea the extent of child molestation in the WTBTS.

    I think that even today many witnesses are not aware of the extent..they cover it up and make excuses when they are told about it. My JW MIL said..I don't know any child molestors in the "Truth" do you? She feels it is all made up. This came up after I taped the 20-20 segment of JW's and child molestation. I taped it because I wasn't able to watch it at the time..but later when visiting her she asked me if I did tape it. She wanted to see it, so I let her borrow it. She made excuses for them but I could tell she was really thinking about it.


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    That the WT was dishonest.

    All of the doctrinal stuff, UN, 607, Trinity, cross, Jebooboo, etc. was supported by dishonesty.

    That is why I always try to get a JW to be knowingly dishonest with me to defend their faith.

    Never ask a JW a question that they have a prepared answer for. Know what that answer is likely to be, and be prepared to quote WT litterature or their official website to expose any dishonesty.

    Always ask a question that they feel obligated to answer.

    I don't know if that tactic has worked yet. Seeds can germinate while your back is turned.



  • blondie

    I was researching a paper on whether Knorr predicted the UN in 1942 about the same time that the WTS association with the UN as an NGO was revealed.

    Not only did I find that the UN Charter was set up and approved in January 1942, long before Knorr's talk that summer but they were in bed with the UN.

  • Cheetos

    That they are full of BS.

  • WTWizard

    That they are a Gestapo-like organization that can seize control of people's lives and interfere with them after the people have left or if they are not interested in joining. And how similar they are to the early Catholic church in structure--a big worry if they do manage to get enough people scammed in to seize control of the government or enough money to hijack the lawmakers.

    If the Catholic Church could plunge man into the First Dark Ages, I suspect the Washtowel Slaveholdery is going to attempt to repeat history and plunge man into the Second Dark Ages.

  • undercover

    I started to say 607 or the UN scandal...but then I realized that while I may have first seen information related to those subjects that pushed me to research those subjects thoroughly...

    the BIGGEST thing I learned (and I learned it here) is that "apostates" and "ex-JWs" are not evil, demon possessed, foaming at the mouth, blood drinking, baby eating fiends that I was led to believe anyone who left the organization had to be. I learned that "apostates" were people like me...and over time I came to be one myself, thus freeing me from the clutches of the cult.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Good point undercover. For me it's 607. Once I realised we had rewritten Egyptian, Babylonian and Jewish history, that floored me. It takes some balls to cut 20 years out of world history and pretend like it never happened.

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